Fan Appreciation Day Results

MAY 31st, 2003
Complete results from Joe Dombrowski

  1. Dustin Ardine wrestled Shirley Doe to a no-contest
  2. Super Hentai & Dustin Ardine def. Shirley Doe & Sterling James Keenan
  3. Al B. Damm def. Carlton Kaz
  4. Glenn Spectre def. JT Rodgers
  5. IWC Heavyweight Champion Jimmy Vegas def. T. Rantula
  6. Bubba the Bulldog def. Mysterious X


On Saturday, May 31, the International Wrestling Cartel invaded Spitzer Toyota in Monroeville for “IWC Fan Appreciation Day.” In addition to free admission, fans had a chance to not only win valuable prizes, but also had the opportunity to purchase automobiles at a discounted price. A tremendous deal to top off an electric afternoon of IWC wrestling action.

In the scheduled main event, Bubba the Bulldog battled The Mysterious X. Bubba was no doubt looking for a measure of revenge for X’s partner-in-crime Shirley Doe’s victory over Bubba earlier this month at Super Indy 2, but vengeance doesn’t come easy, especially in this case as Sterling James Keenan was in X’s corner.

Bubba said that he had back-up as well in the form of Pittsburgh Steeler Chris Fuamatu-ma’afala, who would be watching his back as he signed autographs. However, Keenan involved himself in the match several times, and Fu never interjected himself into the equation. Bubba was able to fight the odds, subdue Sterling, and defeat X with his inverted stunner, but he wasn’t happy. Even though this was IWC’s “Fan Appreciation Day,” Bubba thought it should be the fans who should’ve been appreciating him. He berated the fans for their constant disrespect and “Bubba sucks” chants, and also expressed his disappointment in Fu, who never once came to Bubba’s aid. This speech prompted IWC promoter Norm Connors to offer his rebuttal, stating that in IWC you earn respect through excellent match performance, not by asking it to be handed to you.

Jimmy Vega$ had a tall task ahead of him when he defended the IWC Championship against the giant T. Rantula, who has held titles in every major independent promotion this area has seen in the past decade. Before the match, Norm Connors warned that if T. Rantula had a problem, he take it up with him outside the ring. Is there more to this than meets the eye? Only time will tell. Vega$ has been used to dominating his opponents with his size and power advantage, but on this day that was not to be. Vega$ did the next best thing, worked on T’s knee, busting him down to his own size. After several minutes of attempting to soften T up, he hit the Cha-Ching Slam, but only for a count of two. T retaliated with a choke slam, but that was a near-fall as well. T took a chance by attempting his top-rope cross body, but Vega$ used T’s own momentum against him, reversing the pin and pinning T with his own feet on the ropes for leverage.

One of the superstars who weren’t appreciative of “Fan Appreciation Day” was Shirley Doe, who objected this show so much, he attempted to start a non-violent protest and walk out of the building, but was physically stopped by his opponent, “The Dreamachine” Dustin Ardine. Needless to say, Ardine’s interjection did not please Doe, and Doe let him know by giving him one of the most painful hard-hitting beatings in quite some time. Dustin fought through the onslaught with tremendous heart, refusing to quit, and even kicking out of the Magic Bullet and Sillyhead DDT, among other high-impact moves. The match would soon degenerate, as Sterling James Keenan appeared to assist Doe, and Super Hentai ran in to even the odds. As a result, the match was thrown out and a tag team contest ordered to begin immediately. Doe and Keenan controlled the majority of the match, keeping Ardine in their corner through most of the match. However, when Ardine finally got the strength to tag Hentai, six months worth of hatred and retribution fueled him through fighting off both men. Dustin was quick to recover and we soon had a four-man bedlam, with Ardine and Doe on the inside and Keenan and Hentai brawling on the outside. After Hentai disposed of Sterling, he and Ardine were able to double team Doe. After narrowly escaping a sunset flip pin attempt, Doe was subject to Hentai’s double Northern Lights Suplexes into a bridge for the three count. Ardine can have the satisfaction of knowing he has received possibly the biggest win to date in his short career, however Hentai received only a small measure of the revenge he’s seeking for the months of torture by Doe and his disciples.

After months of painful wars in the tag ranks, JT Rodgers met “The Ghost” Glenn Spectre in singles action, however all of the combustible elements were still present as Troy Lords, Devil Bhudakahn and Jake Garrett were in the corners of their respective teammates. JT started the match on fire, he and Spectre went back and forth with lighting-like speed. The numbers game soon caught up with JT, as Devil and Jake interfered numerous times on Glenn’s behalf, meanwhile all Troy Lords could do was complain to a distracted referee. The odds were against JT from the outset, but he held his own for as long as possible, before Glenn finally finished him off with The Ghostbuster.

Al B. Damm and “Simply the Best” Carlton Kaz continued their rivalry that has spanned several months and three different states. Kaz started the match out shamelessly plugging Spitzer Toyota, then having the gall to ask for a free car in return. Nice try. Kaz’s arrogance was evident long before his opponent even made his way to the ring. Both of these men were more than familiar with each other, which made for quite an exciting entertaining contest between the two. Kaz seemed to be getting the better of things until Al B. Damm took a risk that will not soon be forgotten by anyone in attendance. Damm set up his risk by suplexing Kaz right into the corner, and set him up in the tree of woe. Damm ascended the turnbuckle on the complete opposite side of the ring, and dropkicked Carlton Kaz, who was hanging precariously almost 20 feet away, a breathtaking move Damm calls “The Hot Damm.” Kaz was done for after that, and Damm scored an impressive victory.