DECEMBER 8th, 2018
Results by JTM – Photos by Damian Lynch

Johnny Patch won the Pittsburgh Pro Wrestling Classic Battle Royal, last eliminating Elijah Dean (also entered: Chest Flexor, Corey Futuristic, Pump Ferrari, Billy Ruxpin, Professor Ryan Dye, Stevie Lebell, Phillip Archer, Jami Jameson, Jason Tyler, Mambo Italiano, Darin Dinero, Colby Redd, Dustin Alexander, Jack Manic, Ryan Cassidy, David Lawless, Officer Dan Murphy, Pretty Boy Smooth, Calvin Couture)
Dylan Bostic def Gory to become #1 contender to the IWC Super Indy Title
The Mane Event (Duke Davis & Ganon Jones, Jr.) def. IWC Tag Team Champions Team Storm (Jaxon Argos & RC Dupree) to win the titles
Andrew Palace def. Jock Samson in a bullrope match
Haught & Cute (Keith Haught & Colin Delaney) def. The Culmination (Remy Lavey & Atticus Cogar)
IWC Women’s Champion Katie Arquette def. Ray Lyn
Jimmy Vega$ & Jimmy DeMarco def. Chris LeRusso & Bulk Nasty
Wardlow def. IWC World Heavyweight Champion Jack Pollock in a best of 3 falls match to win the title (First fall – classic wrestling match – Wardlow; second fall – street fight – Pollock; third fall – steel cage match – Wardlow)

With a focus on the best and brightest in the Pittsburgh area, IWC finished out a huge 2018 with the first-annual Pittsburgh Pro Wrestling Classic!

The main event of the evening saw the reigning and defending IWC World Heavyweight Champion Jack Pollock defend the title against former 2-time champion Wardlow in a best of 3 falls match. Wardlow announced earlier in the evening that the first fall would be a classic wrestling match. It was an incredible back-and-forth contest that saw Wardlow pick up the first fall with the All Day Driver.

In the second fall, Pollock chose a street fight! That choice seemed to backfire, with Wardlow dominating the second fall. Pollock ended up busted open by a chair, and even getting powerbombed onto a thousand thumbtacks! But, just when it seemed like Wardlow would win the title in two straight falls, Jaxon Argos & RC Dupree of Team Storm would interfere and allow Pollock to score the pinfall over Wardlow. IWC owner Justin Plummer had enough at that point. After months of dealing with Pollock and Team Storm, Plummer decided to lock them out once and for all… with a SURPRISE Steel Cage Match for the third and final fall! The house lights came up, the curtain was raised, and Plummer revealed a second ring with a cage already erected!

Once Wardlow and Pollock got into the cage, it didn’t take long for Pollock to try and escape over the top. Wardlow caught Pollock on the top rope. From there, Wardlow put Pollock on his shoulders and dropped him from the top rope with an All Day Driver that send Pollock THROUGH THE RING! Wardlow pinned Pollock and became a three-time IWC World Heavyweight Champion!

Team Storm had a bad night at the first-annual Pittsburgh Pro Wrestling Classic. Jaxon Argos & RC Dupree defended the IWC Tag Team Titles against former champions The Mane Event, Duke Davis & Ganon Jones, Jr. After months of back and forth between the two teams, Duke & Ganon finally regained the titles from the grasp of Team Storm… literally. Argos & Dupree refused to relinquish the titles after the match, and referee Joe Mandak with help from security was forced to literally pull the titles from Team Storm to award them to The Mane Event!

IWC Women’s Champion Katie Arquette made her first successful title defense at the first-annual Pittsburgh Pro Wrestling Classic by defeating Ray Lyn. As if having her co-star Calvin Couture and her “boo boo bear” the ManDime Elijah Dean at ringside wasn’t enough, it was revealed that Katie has now enlisted the services of an agent… Justin Labar. All the distractions at ringside were enough to allow Katie the opportunity to spear Ray Lyn and get the win.

Santa Claus made a big impact at the Pittsburgh Pro Wrestling Classic! The Man in the Red Suit made a special appearance at Court Time Sports Center that night, collecting toys at the door for Toys for Pittsburgh Tikes. Santa also accompanied Jimmy Vega$ and Jimmy DeMarco to the ring for their match with Chris LeRusso & Bulk Nasty. After a pose-down between DeMarco and Bulk, Santa got involved on Jimmy Vega$’ behalf and chokeslammed LeRusso to help The Jimmys get the win! I would expect LeRusso and Bulk to get coal in their stockings this year.

Almost two years of frustration, hatred, and antimosity came to a close as Keith Haught finally got his retribution on Remy Lavey. Lavey & Atticus Cogar, the Culmination, have been laying waste to Haught’s friends for the last year after Lavey turned his back on Haught. Jason Tyler, Dan Hooven, and perhaps most famously, Shawn Phoenix were all injured at the hands of the Culmination. Haught called on his old friend Colin Delaney to reform their team of Haught & Cute. When it seemed like Atticus was attempting to injure Haught as well, the lights went out and a Phoenix rose from a flame! The Culmination looked like they saw a ghost as Shawn Phoenix, Dan Hooven, and Jason Tyler appeared in the entryway to head them off at the pass! After a kick to the head and a Haught Mess later, Keith got the pin and his vindication!

Jock Samson and Andrew Palace were connected at the wrist with a thick, heavy length of rope with a cowbell in the middle as the two men competed in a Bullrope Match! After several sneak attacks by Jock and being hung by the same bullrope, Palace had enough and hung Jock with the bullrope! The two men finally settled things as Palace dropped Jock through four chairs in the ring and tagged all four corners. With this chapter behind him, what’s next for the former IWC World Heavyweight Champion Palace?

The first-annual Pittsburgh Pro Wrestling Classic played host to the first-annual Pittsburgh Pro Wrestling Classic Battle Royal! Featuring a mix of IWC veterans, newcomers, and Sexy Talented Dudes, the winner was to receive a huge trophy and bragging rights for the year. The final four came down to the “Five Alarm Fire” Jason Tyler, Mambo Italiano, the “American Daredevil” Johnny Patch, and the ManDime Elijah Dean. The smaller competitors eliminated the larger Tyler, then Mambo found his way to the floor (and then refused to accept his elimination). Surprisingly enough, the final two competitors were two Iron City Wrestling Academy rookies, Patch and Dean. A roaring elbow from ManDime gave Patch a shiner, but Patch was able to rebound and take ManDime out with a shooting star press before eliminating him!

“The Moneyweight” Dylan Bostic still looks to add the IWC Super Indy Title to his collection of belts as he defeated Gory to become #1 contender to the title. Gory was pinned with a handful of tights after Bostic used one of his championship belts to knock Gory out. But with the Reset Button looming for IWC Super Indy Champion Jonathan Gresham in January, when will Bostic get his shot at the title?

IWC kicks off 2019 with the infamous Reset Button at Reloaded 5.0 on January 19th! Reloaded 5.0 featured a special appearance by Pittsburgh legend, Olympic Gold Medalist, and WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle! Stay tuned for more information!