Proving Ground 2 Results

Proving Ground 2 – July 20th, 2013
White Oak Athletic Association – White Oak, PA
Complete results from Joe Dombrowski

  1. Ashton Amherst def. Remy Lavey
  2. Logan Shulo def. Gory
  3. IWC Super Indy Champion Facade def. Sammy Guevara in a non-title match
  4. W.A.R. (Aiden Veil & Jordan Lennox) def. Andrew Palace & Brian McDowell
  5. Marshall Gambino & Chest Flexor def. Blue Collar Slaughterhouse (Bronco McBride & Matt Segaris) in a street fight
  6. Keith Haught def. Hayden Ferra
  7. Joseph Brooks def. Kevin Bennett
  8. Justin Idol, HD Cannon, & Sam Cassidy def. The Founding Fathers (Super Hentai, Jimmy Vega$, & Dennis Gregory) via count-out
  9. IWC World Heavyweight Champion John McChesney def. Jimmy Nutts


On July 20, 2013 at the White Oak Athletic Association, an entire locker room of worthy athletes entered their own personal proving ground. For some, it was proving themselves worthy of their first professional match. For others, it was proving themselves and an entirely new level. For two men, it became a catalyst to prove they still have what it takes to belong.

Jimmy Nutts had a decision whether or not to prove himself, as part of Chuck Robert’s plot to implode Team Big League just as Team Big League had done to Logan Shulo & Dalton Castle. Nutts had his first ever opportunity at the IWC Title against his mentor and leader “Big League” John McChesney, and rather than lay down… Nutts chose to fight. A hard-hitting affair saw Nutts knock the champion out with a roaring elbow, collapsing onto McChesney for the pin and apparent title victory. However, after a conference between two referees & Roberts, the decision was ruled that the match must continue – as when Nutts fell onto McChesney, Nutts’ own shoulders were flat on the canvas as WELL as Big League’s. After a re-start, Nutts attempted to two-peat with the elbow, but the crafty McChesney had already seen enough to react, meeting Nutts with a vicious superkick as he spun around, to retain his title. McChesney and Nutts seemed to leave on friendly terms, perhaps with McChesney realizing he needs Jimmy Nutts on his side as he prepares to be challenged by “Party Peacock” Dalton Castle at Caged Fury.

Super Indy Champion “Neon Ninja” Facade had to prove his supremacy at the top of the Super Indy mountain as he was tasked with defeating 19-year-old prodigy Sammy Guevara, trained by Hall of Famer Booker T, one-on-one or be forced to defend the championship against the young upstart at a later date. The two arguably stole the show with their dazzling array of aerial offense and a breathtaking conclusion that saw Facade risk his own health in a huge way to put away Guevara. Although Facade was victorious, he showed the true spirit of the Super Indy division, but telling Sammy he’s earned Facade’s respect, and Facade would be happy to grant him a title shot down the line.

Justin Idol & Super Hentai are weeks away from having to prove everything or wind up with nothing. Idol, along with HD Cannon & the debuting Sam Cassidy defeated the Founding Fathers of Super Hentai, Dennis Gregory & Jimmy Vega$ via countout, when Idol held Hentai outside the ring by grabbing his foot until the referee’s count reached ten. An infuriated Hentai was subject to further questioning and ridicule by his Founding Father teammates who seemed poised to walk out on Hentai once again as they had before. This sent the Super Indy Innovator off the deep-end, dead set to prove the skepticism of his partners wrong -Hentai grabbed a microphone and challenged Justin Idol one-on-one… where the loser would leave IWC. A wild brawl erupted following the challenge, as the stakes became more clear. Two pillars in the foundation of IWC Wrestling will do battle… and one will leave forever after Caged Fury.

“Heavy Metal Jesus” Logan Shulo had to prove he was stronger than the evil possessed by the demonic Gory, who had targeted Shulo in his initial return to IWC, robbing Shulo of the IWC Super Indy Title. While Gory brought his normal unorthodox and explosive offense, Shulo was able to rebound for recent losses with a victory using his signature Halo Bomb. Shulo is back on the winning ways after narrowly missing out on an IWC Title shot in his Super Indy tag match with Dalton Castle against Team Big League. Could Logan be waiting in the wings for the winner of Dalton vs. McChesney.

Blue Collar Slaughterhouse were out to prove they were just as tough as The Gambino Family. After numerous assaults perpetrated by both teams in recent months, Mickey Gambino was left unable to compete. Marshall (with business associate the lovely Madisynn) was ready to handle family business alone, but an old former ally re-emerged… Chest Flexor, who volunteered to reunite with his former Family boss. The tag wear saw ample use of weapons and violence across the White Oak Athletic Association, but it was Flexor’s gang-mentality, perhaps learned from his days with Marshall, that came into play as Palace, McDowell, Corey Futuristic & Ginger all factored in to a victory for this controversial team.

Ashton Amherst was out to prove he’s long been deserving of a spot on the IWC roster. Already a young veteran, Ashton has conquered every other promotion he’s been in, and plans to make IWC no different. Ashton defeated a very game Remy LaVey in Remy’s first professional match, then had the gall to book HIMSELF on the next IWC event, regardless of what anybody thought. What does Ashton have in mind? Will he turn IWC into “Lights… Camera… Ashton”?

Justin LaBar of & TribLive Radio wanted to prove he could get through a live version of his “Chair Shot Reality” talk show without being booed out of the building. He failed. His guest, 19-year-old Buffalo, NY native Kevin Bennett was less than impressed with LaBar as well, and even more disappointed to learn that his scheduled opponent, RJ City, had refused to appear at the event, claiming his debut needs to be handled much better than it has been by IWC management. Bennett instead battled Team Big League member, Joseph Brooks, perhaps out to prove something himself, as he ended up polishing off his opponent but not before a very athletically impressive array from Bennett. But the question remains when and how will RJ City make his much-anticipated IWC debut?

Andrew Palace & Brian McDowell, the bowling enthusiast & goggles enthusiast respectively, Aiden Veil & Jordan Lennox (We Are Rockstars) and the international team of Low Rider & Erik Ortiz all were out to prove themselves next in line for an IWC Tag Title shot, and all three brought their A-game. After tremendous action, WAR survived just that to climb one rung further in their IWC championship chase.

“GQ” Hayden Ferra a self-described “musician-turned-model-turned-wrestler” had quite a bit to prove against a current IWC titleholder, Keith Haught of the IWC Tag Team Champions. However, just as we had seen at the initial proving ground, Haught was able to finish his opponent with “The Haught Mess” to end the proceedings.