Winner Takes All 2013 Results

Winner Takes All 2013 – December 14th, 2013
Court Time Sports Center – Elizabeth, PA
Complete results from Joe Dombrowski

  1. The Sexy Talented Dudes (Chest Flexor & Brian McDowell) def. IWC Tag Team Champions Team Big League (Jimmy Nutts & Joseph Brooks), The Bull &
  2. The Bronco (Marshall Gambino & Bronco McBride), and Haught & Cute (Keith Haught & Colin Delaney) to win the titles
  3. Asylum def. Jay Flash
  4. Facade def. Johnny Gargano and Colt Cabana to become #1 contender to the Super Indy Title
  5. Logan Shulo def. Shane Taylor in a No Holds Barred Match
  6. Andrew Palace def. Matt Striker to qualify for the Super Indy XIII Tournament
  7. RJ City def. IWC Super Indy Champion Shiima Xion to win the title
  8. The Founding Fathers (Justin Idol, Dennis Gregory, & Jimmy Vega$) def. Jon Bolen, Sam Cassidy, & HD Cannon
  9. Dalton Castle def. IWC World Heavyweight Champion John McChesney with Norm Connors as the special guest referee to win the title


December 14, 2013 was not a good night for Team Big League.

As the night began, IWC Tag Team Champions Jimmy Nutts & Joseph Brooks entered into a four-team elimination match with Haught & Cute, Bronco McBride & Marshall The Bull Gambino (w/Madisynn) and Chest Flexor & Brian McDowell, the Sexy Talented Dudes (STDs) (w/Corey Futuristic & Ginger). While the newly-formed team of Bronco & Marshall were the most physically opposing, they found themselves the first out courtesy of the more experienced tandems. Chest Flexor pinned Colin Delaney to oust him. With the two most controversial teams remaining, things broke down. Brooks grabbed his confetti gun, McDowell grabbed his bowling ball, and a struggle ensued. As a struggle ensued for possession of the bowling ball, Brooks’ momentum accidentally sent the ball hurling into his partner Jimmy Nutts… the STDs had found their opportunity, and we had NEW IWC Tag Team Champions and perhaps the unlikeliest titleholders in history!

Meanwhile, John McChesney came to the ring, irate, to blame Jimmy Nutts on the whole thing! In spite of it being a freak accident, McChesney actually fired Nutts from Team Big League, instructing Brooks to beat down his own tag partner!

The 350+ pound behemoth Shane Taylor manhandled Logan Shulo in a way perhaps no IWC star ever had before in a highly physical brawl, but “Heavy Metal Jesus” emerged triumphant in both men’s IWC farewell. IWC fans, wrestlers, and management came out to say goodbye to one of the brightest shining stars in IWC history as he embarks on an exciting new chapter in his career in 2014. But what young IWC star will step up to take Logan’s spot in his absence?

These events, compounded with a very-late arriving referee Norm Connors, and Bobby Fish fulfilling contractual obligations with Ring of Honor, and John McChesney seemed to be a man alone more-so now than ever entering into his most important match in ages, defending the IWC Title against Dalton Castle, one day shy of reaching one year strong in this, his latest championship reign. But how would Norm act as official – down the middle as he promised or would we see a greater plot unfold?

Norm showed no bias as the match progressed, completely separating his refereeing duties from frequent recent role as Team Big League Executive Consultant. The first inconsistency of Team Big League was apparent as Joseph Brooks made his way toward the ring, but his plans will never be known, as Jimmy Nutts made his way to the ring to thwart Brooks and extoll some physical revenge for the events of earlier. Next, Shane Taylor re-emerged, with Justin LaBar, who represented Taylor a month ago in Clearfield, still by his side. Norm & LaBar had some heated verbal exchanges, as Shane planned to finish Dalton Castle once and for all. Norm, however, interceded, ordering Taylor to the back. A distracted and frustrated Dalton, was surrounded by commotion, but did his best to maintain his composure. A chair produced by LaBar to McChesney (but why??) did little to aid the champion, as Justin Plummer returned from injury to pull LaBar away, and Dalton seemed to have “Big League” scouted, dropping the champion with the deadlift German suplex for the pin. But… no Norm count. Was this the plot. A third referee (a second referee for the outside was injured earlier), attempted to count, but Norm stopped him and ejected him! Action continued with McChensey gaining the upper hand and a near-fall, before Dalton countered into his second German suplex, and to the shock of many, Norm did the right thing and counted the fall! Dalton Castle is the NEW IWC Champion, and was presented with a brand new IWC Title belt to signify the new era! The Era of the Peacock has begun as IWC heads into 2014!

There is also a new IWC Super Indy Champion as, unfortunately RJ City got the best of Zema Ion in a title clash, but under means that are decidedly not in line with the Super Indy tradition. As RJ became frustrated being unable to put down Zema after targeting the previously-damaged mid-section (where Zema had had an emergency appendectomy and also a tumor removed from his colon), RJ grabbed a drink from the crowd to blind Zema’s eyes with. An attempt at RJ’s “Goodnight Everybody” sleeper was countered into Zema’s crossface. Seconds later, the bell frantically began ringing, although it was apparent RJ had not submitted. RJ’s manager, Justin LaBar, had stolen the ring bell and begun ringing it to distract the still half-blinded champion. RJ used it to roll up Zema and steal the championship, instantly renaming it the “Sports Entertainment Championship”. What will happen to the Super Indy division with a representative like we’ve never seen before? Can “Neon Ninja” Facade, who survived a three way match of former Super Indy Champions including Colt Cabana and Johnny Gargano, unseat RJ for his 4th Super Indy Championship?

We have our first Qualifier for IWC Super Indy XIII… STD member Andrew Palace, who defeated Matt Striker in unarguably Palace’s toughest match to date. Striker had spent much of the match outsmarting and out-wrestling the STD member, however Palace persevered and was able to catch Striker at a momentary lapse. Palace’s survivor skills earned the respect of the one-time teacher, but could it earn Palace a future Super Indy Title reign this spring?

In other action, a battle of newcomers resulted in the Canadian powerhouse Asylum of the Flatliner Tag Team defeating the energetic “Ballistic Missile” Jay Flash. Bright futures are ahead more than likely for both of these athletes… In a bizarre tag team encounter, The Founding Fathers of Justin Idol, Jimmy Vega$ and Dennis Gregory (who was absent from the match and building until the very end of the bout) defeated Jon Bolen, Sam Cassidy & HD Cannon… when HD Cannon inexplicably turned on his tag team partners… but why?! A post match handshake with Gregory offered no answers, as it seemed just as tense and stand-offish as Cannon’s behavior toward his partners. What has happened to change this young upstart’s mindset?