IWC returns to our home away from home, the Clearfield Couty Fairgrounds in Clearfield, PA! The action takes place this Saturday night April 28th, 2018 at 7:30 PM.

RC Dupree may just have bitten off more than he can chew. It appears battle lines are drawn, with Team Storm on one side, Wardlow & The Fraternity on another, and Andrew Palace & The Mane Event on another side. RC has taken it upon himself to challenge the IWC World Heavyweight Champion Wardlow following the last several events. IWC owner Justin Plummer is more than happy to grant Dupree his title match. After all, it was only a month ago that RC & Jaxon Argos assisted Jack Pollock in threatening Plummer’s wife Jenny to get Pollock back in IWC. After that, Plummer promised to make Team Storm’s lives a living hell. As much as he doesn’t want to give anybody in Team Storm a title shot, he has granted RC the match against “the man with war in his name,” the most dominant IWC Champion in recent memory, Wardlow! Does RC stand a chance against Wardlow?

The IWC High Stakes Title is on the line as Marshall “The Bull” Gambino defends against Chest Flexor in a FANS BRING THE WEAPONS MATCH! We encourage fans to be creative in their weapon ideas. Obviously no lethal weapons such as guns, knives, glass, light tubes, etc. will be allowed in the building. But, our fans have shown us in the past their creativity by bringing weapons such as old Nintendo systems, computer keyboards, a velvet rendering of the Bee Gees, a car door, a fish, and more. Flexor felt he had the High Stakes Title won in Meadville. Flexor hit Omega Aaron Draven with a chair provided by Gambino, but Gambino was the one getting the pin on Draven to end the match. Will Flexor prove he deserves the High Stakes Title in Clearfield?

Speaking of the issues between Plummer and Team Storm, Plummer signed a match for Jack Pollock to take on the rookie monster “Titan” Dennis Jackson! After Night of the Superstars 7, Pollock and Team Storm confronted Plummer in the locker room only for Justin to make the match. Pollock has yet to get a victory since his return to IWC. Will he be able to topple the giant?

As for Jaxon Argos, Plummer has signed a bout between Argos and the one person who has always had Argos’ number in IWC: Andrew Palace. The former IWC World Heavyweight Champion is looking to get back into the title hunt but in the meantime he’s willing to take on the loudmouth of Team Storm to help Plummer get his revenge. With Argos trying to focus on his rematch with Jonathan Gresham in the first round of Super Indy 17, this match provides a huge distraction in his way. Will he be able to focus on the task at hand? Or will his mind be on Gresham on June 9th?

A match has been scheduled for Clearfield Carnage 4 but the match is very much in doubt after the events of Night of the Superstars 7. The Culmination is scheduled to make their official debut as a trio as they take on Keith Haught, Dan Hooven, & Jason Tyler. In Meadville, Jason Tyler was making comments about sticking up for Keith Haught against The Culmination. Secons later, they appeared and slammed his head into a locker. During the World’s Strongest Battle Royal, Remy Lavey, Atticus Cogar, and Otis Cogar attacked Hooven and carried him to the locker room, dumping his lifeless body. We haven’t heard any news on the conditions of Hooven and Tyler, but as far as we know here at, the match is still scheduled to take place. Will Keith be able to finally attack his former best friend Remy Lavey? What do the dangerous Cogar Brothers have to do with the equation? Are Hooven & Tyler in any condition to compete?

Women’s wrestling returns to Clearfield as the “Queen of the Silver Screen” Katie Arquette takes on the former Angeldust, Zoey Skye! Arquette feels robbed after the events of SEVENTEEN back in March, where she cheated to win the IWC Women’s Title, only to have the decision reversed and her disqualified. She looks to get back into the title hunt here as she takes on Zoey Skye, whose matches several years ago in IWC helped lead to the creation of the Women’s Title. Will her return to IWC be successful and lead her to a shot at the gold?

After their defeat in Meadville, Lawless and Order are looking for revenge against The Mane Event! They’ll have their chance as the two teams meet at Clearfield Carnage 4! Duke Davis & Ganon Jones, Jr. have been racking up the victories and want another shot at IWC Tag Team Champions The Fraternity to attempt to regain their titles. In their way are the young upstarts who believe in bringing justice to IWC rings, David Lawless, Esq. and Officer Dan Murphy. Will the long arm of the law snatch momentum from The Mane Event?

Chris LeRusso is a man who has had a quiet several months in IWC. His $25,000 bounty on the head of “Titan” Dennis Jackson remains, but LeRusso seems hesitant to actually carry out the bounty himself. At Clearfield Carnage 4, he steps in the ring with “The Country Hammer” Jami Jameson. Jameson has been seen on the side of Dennis Jackson, teaming with the Titan to defend against LeRusso’s minions, rather than try to collect the bounthy himself. On April 28th, he attempts to take out the wily veteran, but LeRusso always has a trick or two up his sleeve. Will the hammer fall on LeRusso in Clearfield?

The ring may need to be reinforced for this one as two powerhouses square off when Darin Dinero takes on the returning John Rodin! Dinero just missed out on an opportunity against IWC World Heavyweight Champion Wardlow, but he proved he belonged in the title scene and may be in line for another shot in the near future. Rodin is looking to make his return to IWC a successful one following a year away honing his skills, including at a camp with WWE Hall of Famer Harley Race! Which of these two heavy hitters will walk away with an important victory in Clearfield?