*Jock Samson opened the show, letting the fans know he was advised not to compete due to his recent hand injury from his match at Caged Fury*
1. “Too Tough” Jeff Walker and Sam Handeman went to a no contest after Canaan Kristopher interfered. Jock Samson returned and said he was going against doctor’s orders as it would be him and Handeman verses Plummer Security later in the night.
2. Bulk Nasty defeated Adam H.E.X.
3. Felix Koz and Matthew Jaeger defeated Brotherly Love (Ricky Dawkins & Kliff Klepto).
4. The “Sky Prince” Anthony Young defeated Tyler Brooks and the Nightmare Factory product, Hayden Backlund, after A1 pinned Backlund.
5. The “Big Boss” Glenn Spectre defeated Chase Gold, in a match that took both men well beyond the 10 minute mark. This was not a Coach’s Challenge!
6. Lexus Synn made her IWC debut and defeated the “Shining Light” Catie Brite in very impressive form.
7. The Frontline defeated Dior Castro and Drew “The Whiz Can” Ryans after the Lebanon Don outsmarted the pair and made the contest a 3 on 2 handicap match for the tag team titles.
8. Jock Samson and Sam Handeman defeated Jeff Walker and Canaan Kristopher.
9. The Highway Outlaws defeated a reunited Team Storm, in a ballpark brawl, that saw Jami Jameson pin Jack Pollock after a double team and a side Russian leg sweep with the sledge hammer!
*After the match, Zander Gabriel returned to the ring to retrieve the sledge hammer only to be met with an assisted brainstorm, followed by being put through a table from Pollock!*
IWC returns to Marx’s Court Time, on October 7th, for Super Indy 22!! Tickets on sale now at
Basebrawl 2023 Results