The Raven Effect Results

FEBRUARY 22nd, 2003
Complete results from Joe Dombrowski

  1. Carlton Kaz def. Al B. Damm
  2. Mysterious X def. Spider Mask
  3. IWC Heavyweight Champion Jimmy Vega$ def. Trevor Lowe by DQ
  4. T. Rantula def. Seth James in a fans-bring-the-weapons match
  5. Dean Radford def. Sterling James Keenan
  6. Sexual Harassment (JT Rodgers & Eric Xtasy) & Sabu def. IWC Tag Team Champions Devil’s Advocates (Devil Bhudakahn & Glenn Spectre) & Jake Garrett to give Harassment the titles
  7. Raven def. Steve Corino

Raven Debuts; Sabu Leads Sexual Harassment to Tag Title Win

IWC continued its trend of incredible action and tremendous fan support this past Saturday night, February 22, in Butler, PA at a PACKED Hindman Hall. Fans in attendance were treated to an amazing night of excitement, in what will truly go down in history as one of the biggest wrestling shows ever in Western Pennsylvania.

The main event saw the one and only RAVEN make his IWC debut, taking on former ECW Champion “King of Old School” STEVE CORINO (replacing the banned-from-Pennsylvania Sandman). Corino controlled most of the match, partially because he tried every shortcut he could, including using a foreign object he had hidden in his tights. In the end, however, Raven was able to come back, and Corino was on the receiving end of Raven’s Evenflow DDT for the 1-2-3.

SEXUAL HARASSMENT had been scheduled to challenge all three of THE DEVIL’S ADVOCATES for the IWC Tag Team Titles. However, during a brawl between the two teams before their match, the one and only homicidal, suicidal, genocidal maniac, SABU, made an appearance and rid the ring of the Advocates. IWC promoter NORM CONNORS announced that the tag belts would be on the line in a six-man tag team match in order to even up the odds.

Sure enough, when it came to match time, Sabu sacrificed his body to hurt others. Sabu delivered his trademark springboard leg lariat in the corner, as well as his springboard plancha onto all three Advocates on the outside. Somehow, during all the chaos, Sexual Harassment managed to hit The Strawberry Surprise to win the match, the titles, and to become the first-ever three-time IWC Tag Team Champions! Certainly, this was a very important win in IWC promoter Norm Connors’ current rivalry with SHIRLEY DOE and his evil group of disciples. Now that Doe has lost the upper hand and control of the tag titles, there’s no telling what he’ll do to regain them.

Sabu may have been chaotic, but the “Fans Bring the Weapons” Match was nothing short of pure bedlam. T. RANTULA and the arrogant SETH JAMES beat each other all over the building in one of the most brutal and bloody encounters in IWC history.

Everything from a computer keyboard, a telephone, a bowling ball, and even a pink flamingo lawn ornament were used in this vicious battle. After several minutes of sickening thuds and profuse blood loss, T. Rantula hit his devastating powerbomb to pick up the win.

Butler’s own TREVOR LOWE received a second chance to defeat IWC Champion JIMMY VEGA$, and came as close as humanly possible to doing just that. Lowe was holding his own with Vega$ and was looking rather impressive until referee BRUCE GRAY was knocked silly. Seth James, apparently not able to wait for his own match, interfered on Vega$’ behalf. As IWC Senior Referee CHRISTOPHER KALIKAPELA showed up to aid Gray, T. Rantula ran in and chokeslammed Vega$ to even the odds. Lowe made the cover and Kalikapela turned and counted Vega$’ shoulders to the mat and proclaimed Trevor Lowe the NEW champion in front of his ecstatic hometown. However, after a brief conference between the referees, Bruce Gray determined that Lowe was disqualified, Kalikapela concurred, and the belt was returned to Vega$. Truly a miscarriage of justice, and a heartbreaker for Lowe, who was so close, yet so far away, to emerging as one of IWC’s top stars.

CARLTON KAZ and AL B DAMM made just their second appearance for IWC in a rematch from their Northgate High School encounter last month. The match went back and forth and was full of impressive action that had the fans on the edges of their seats. Kaz edged out a victory over Damm, and the two showed their respect for each other by shaking hands after the match.

DEAN RADFORD battled STERLING JAMES KEENAN in another back-and-forth match. Both men went all out to win, hitting all of their signature moves, but it came down to awareness on the part of Dean Radford to lift his shoulder off the mat at a point where both men’s shoulders were down. Thanks to Keenan’s momentary lapse of concentration, he went back to the showers with the losing end of the paycheck.

This show also saw the in-ring debut of THE MYSTERIOUS X, one of the evil followers of Shirley Doe. X was able to obliterate SPIDER MASK en route to an impressive victory. Not much is known about X, but one thing that can’t be denied is his incredible in-ring talent.