A New Beginning Results

JANUARY 20th, 2006
Complete results from Joe Dombrowski

  1. Jason Gory def. ICW/ICWA Tex-Arkana Television Champion Larry Sweeney to win the title
  2. ICW/ICWA Tex-Arkana Television Champion Jason Gory def. Larry Sweeney
  3. Larry Sweeney def. ICW/ICWA Tex-Arkana Television Champion Jason Gory to win the title
  4. Dirk Ciglar def. Bubba the Bulldog
  5. IWC Tag Team Champions The Gambino Brothers Moving Company (Mickey & Marshall Gambino) def. Sterling James Keenan & Dean Radford
  6. Glenn Spectre def. Shiima Xion to qualify for the Super Indy V tournament
  7. Abyss def. Sebastian Dark
  8. Jon Bolen def. J-Rocc
  9. IWC Super Indy Champion “Fabulous” John McChesney wrestled “Balls Hot” Troy Lords to a twenty minute draw
  10. IWC World Heavyweight Champion Shirley Doe def. Austin Aries

It was indeed a New Beginning for the International Wrestling Cartel on January 20, 2006 for our inaugural show at Court Time Sports Center in Elizabeth, Pa. The event was meant to jump-start the most eventful and strongest year in IWC history, however before night’s end, that vision may have become shattered.

“A New Beginning” was the site of Norm Connors’ three-part plan to eliminate the Unholy Alliance, hand-selecting opponents for each of them individually. Step one was placing HENTAI in the ring with the man he helped screw out of potentially winning the IWC Title twice, Dennis Gregory. Gregory reaffirmed his desire to step up and fight for IWC just as he had overseas for his country, as Gregory emerged victorious to complete step one.

Step two involved Sebastian Dark being forced into battle against the 6’8 350 lb. weapon of mass destruction “The Monster” Abyss. In a match, filled with violence, sickening chairshots, and blood, Dark celebrated his birthday by being the recipient of the Black Hole Slam for the 1-2-3. Step two succeeds as well.

The most important step was finally unseating Shirley Doe from his reign as IWC Champion. Connors’ original choice for the job, AJ Styles, was sidelined with an illness, but Connors was able to produce a more than suitable replacement, a man no stranger to ending memorable title reigns: former ROH Champion Austin Aries! With Dean Radford, Dennis Gregory, and Abyss watching ringside to prevent any Unholy Alliance interference, it still was not enough to keep HENTAI and Dark from attempting to intervene. Gregory and Radford were able to cut both men off at the pass, and all four brawled to the back. With an unconscious referee, and Aries on the verge of pinning Doe for the Heavyweight title, Abyss entered the ring to revive the official, or so we thought, as the Monster drilled Austin Aries with the Black Hole Slam, enabling Shirley Doe to score the pinfall and retain the title yet again.

Although Connors had no doubt gotten into Abyss’ ear as far as his intentions in IWC, it appears Doe, Dark, and HENTAI had the stronger power of persuasion and have coerced Abyss into their sadistic army as well, making them far more powerful and dangerous than ever before.

The other major question surrounding this scenario is where did Sterling James Keenan’s allegiances lie? We attempted to find out, as SJK put his differences aside to join forces with former rival Dean Radford to challenge Tag Team Champions Mickey & Marshall Gambino. Sterling and Dean both seemed to put aside past differences to focus on the match, but another appearance from the Unholy Alliance led to a distraction and turmoil amongst SJK and Radford that eventually cost them the match. Although no questions were answered in this match, Sterling let us all know where he stood later that night, as after watching Abyss be the latest to betray IWC, SJK reappeared and donned an IWC T-shirt, proudly displaying his allegiance as a member of the IWC locker room.

“Fabulous” John McChesney placed the Super Indy Title on the line against “Balls Hot” Troy Lords in what may go down as one of the best efforts in either man’s career to date. An apparent rib injury to Lords did little to slow him down, and McChesney continued to show that ever-present resilience to stay alive in the match. Both men went back and forth, fighting off pain and each other’s signature maneuver, to continue in a match so exciting, it drew many fans to their feet for the duration of the contest. Lords had perhaps finally had a victory in his grasp when the twenty-minute time limit expired just one second before Lords’ 3 count on McChesney. This unbelievable effort motivated Norm Connors to offer Troy Lords the eighth and final seed in this year’s annual Super Indy Title Tournament. Meanwhile, McChesney’s road to Super Indy V gets no easier, as he was quick to accept a challenge from “Sweet & Sour” Larry Sweeney for February 18 back at Court Time Sports Center.

Speaking, of Super Indy V, the illustrious list of entrants including Lords, Ricky Reyes, Matt Sydal, Petey Williams, and Shannon Moore, has been joined by one more top name… ”Wonderman” Glenn Spectre. Spectre was victorious over an individual he’s long had his eye on, “Virgin Slayer” Shiima Xion, despite the blatant involvement of his advisor “Prophet of Profit” Chris Maverick. Spectre was able to finish off Xion with an elevated powerbomb he calls “Brokeback Mountain”. This will be Spectre’s third Super Indy tournament, in both prior events he was eliminated by the eventual winner. Is this the year Spectre reaches the top and claims the one title he’s desired but has yet to win?

“Sweet & Sour” Larry Sweeney, complaining of high blood pressure, pulled the 24/7 title defense rule of his ICWICWA Texarkana Television Title off the table, instead opting to face Gory in a standard singles match for the title and nothing more. That did little to help his cause, as Gory once again proved he had Sweeney’s number, capturing the title for the third time. However, following the match, Sweeney insisted his proposal of abolishing the 24/7 rule had not yet gone through board approval, therefore tried to regain the title but was pinned again. Finally Sweeney, with the aid of a foreign object was able to sneak in a quick pinfall and somehow leave the building with the title again.

Jon Bolen was able to extract a measure of revenge stemming from an attack by J-Rocc & Bubba the Bulldog a few months ago. J-Rocc had attempted to prolong the confrontation, but there was no more ducking the impressive Uniontown native. J-Rocc tried to keep the powerhouse at bay, but Bolen countered a One Hitter Quitter attempt and hit the Meltdown to score the win.

Meanwhile, Bubba the Bulldog had his hands full with the returning Dirk Ciglar, wrestling his first IWC match in nine months. Ciglar was able to score a mild upset, and defeat the veteran with his patented Swanton Bomb.