Super Indy VII Results

Super Indy VII
April 25th, 2008
Court Time Sports Center – Elizabeth, PA
Complete results from Joe Dombrowski

  1. Michael Facade vs. CJ Sensation went to a no-contest
  2. Shiima Xion def. Luke Hawx in the opening round of the Super Indy Tournament
  3. Jerry Lynn def. Jason Gory in the opening round of the Super Indy Tournament
  4. Sexual Harassment (Justin Idol & Eric Xtasy) def. The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin)
  5. Davey Richards def. Troy Lords in the opening round of the Super Indy Tournament
  6. Ricky Reyes def. John McChesney in the opening round of the Super Indy Tournament
  7. Awesome Kong def. Daizee Haze
  8. Jerry Lynn def. Shiima Xion in the semi-final round of the Super Indy Tournament
  9. Davey Richards def. Ricky Reyes in the semi-final round of the Super Indy Tournament
  10. IWC Super Indy Champion Larry Sweeney def. ICW/ICWA Tex-Arkana Television Champion Bryan Alvarez, Ruckus, & Delirious to win the title
  11. Dennis Gregory def. IWC World Heavyweight Champion The Sandman to win the title
  12. Jerry Lynn def. Davey Richards in the final round of the Super Indy Tournament

The International Wrestling Cartel’s seventh and final Super Indy Tournament spectacular emanated from IWC’s home, The Court Time Sports Center in Elizabeth, Pa on April 25, 2008. Super Hentai, Colt Cabana, Chris Sabin, John McChesney, Delirious, and Larry Sweeney all hit new career heights following their Super Indy Tournament victories. Who would join that illustrious list?

The evening started in an attempt to fill the 8th and final seed as Michael “The Bomber” Façade battled “Snapshot” CJ Sensation in an effort to fill the void left by Super Hentai who was under doctor’s orders to sit out Super Indy VII as a result of the savage, criminal beating delivered at the hands of The Gambino Family. However, an 8th entrant could NOT be determined here, as “Fabulous” John McChesney, irate over not being given the 8th seed himself, emerged dressed to fight, attacking both competitors and making a major statement that he will make his mark at Super Indy whether he’s given an opportunity or whether he has to take it.

Official first round action kicked off with “Future of Fashion” Shiima Xion defeating “Altar Boy” Luke Hawx, no doubt looking for his second opportunity to impress IWC brass after failing to move beyond the first round in IWC Heavyweight Title tournament in September 2006. Shiima unveiled a new maneuver, a double knee strike he calls Bible Black, to advance to the semifinal round.

Shiima’s tag team partner Jason Gory attempted to make it a BFF vs. BFF semifinal round match, as well as equal the success he attained last year when he captured the Super Indy Title -albeit only for an hour- but had a tough test in front of him in former ECW World Champion Jerry Lynn, competing for the Super Indy Title for the first time in six years. After an amazing contest, Lynn moved on to the next round with the cradle piledriver.

The first man to qualify for Super Indy VII, Davey Richards battled the man who many feel should have won at Super Indy V, “Balls Hot” Troy Lords. Davey made a big time statement early on by doing the one thing no one could do at Super Indy V no matter how hard they tried: forcing Troy Lords to tap out. Richards cinched in a lethal Texas Cloverleaf to move on to the semifinals.

John McChesney made his presence known once again, demanding the 8th seed in Super Indy, despite losing his chance to qualify when he was defeated by Jake “The Snake” Roberts two weeks earlier. McChesney stated he would wrestle ANYONE to get the Super Indy seed. McChesney was nearly forced to eat those words as the 6’1 272 3/8 lb. TNA Women’s Knockout Champion Awesome Kong came to the ring. As McChesney stared into what could be a painful fate, promoter Norm Connors decided to spontaneously award McChesney the Super Indy seed against Ricky Reyes – While Reyes was applying the Dragon Sleeper onto McChesney. Just 6 seconds later, McChesney had no choice but to tap out, leading to another decisive victory as Reyes’ combined match time for the qualifying and quarterfinal round matches totaled less than 2 minutes combined.

In the semi-final round, Jerry Lynn conquered the second half of the IWC Tag Team Champions in another stellar match, this time besting Shiima Xion. Xion’s hopes of advancing to the final round just as he did last year were put to rest by Lynn’s second cradle piledriver of the evening.

Ricky Reyes and Davey Richards finally met in the rubber match from their competitive series seen at IWC’s Call to Arms weekend this past December. Both men split victories with one another using the exact same move: a kimura lock that Richards had perfected, but Reyes had retaliated with. On this night, Richards’ weapon of choice continued to be the Texas Cloverleaf, and the man who made the likes of Low-ki, Homicide, and Brent Albright tap out in IWC rings… was forced to tap out himself. Davey Richards advanced to the final round.

Lynn and Richards battled through fatigue in the hopes of attaining the ultimate prize, pushing their bodies beyond normal limits, and finding the true heart and determination worthy of a champion. It was an extra exclamation point put on the victory, as Jerry Lynn not only survived Richards’ offense, but delivered – not a cradle piledriver – but a cradle tombstone piledriver to officially bring Super Indy 7 to an end. Lynn adds to his resume, which includes an ECW World Title, WWE Light-heavyweight title, NWA Tag Title, and TNA X Division Title, the IWC Super Indy Title.

A humble Jerry Lynn was presented the Super Indy Title by previous champion and tournament winner Larry Sweeney, but Jerry Lynn shockingly refused the title. Lynn stated he hasn’t truly earned it until he’s defeated Larry Sweeney himself for the honor, and as a result a match has been signed for May 17 pitting Larry Sweeney against Jerry Lynn for the Super Indy Title.

In non-tournament action, Dennis Gregory survived a Boot Camp Match to pin The Sandman and become the unprecedented five-time IWC champion, however he did not do it alone. Although Gregory’s War Machine has been somewhat divided in recent times, John McChesney still was not done as he delivered the knockout shot to The Sandman with Sandman’s own championship belt to give Gregory a record-setting victory.

Super Indy champion “Sweet & Sour” Larry Sweeney had two goals stepping into the four-way elimination match on this night: successfully retain the Super Indy Title against Delirious and Ruckus, but perhaps just as importantly, regain his most prized personal possession, the Sweeney-created ICW-ICWA Texarkana Television Title that he was defeated for under dubious circumstances by, of all people, Figure Four newsletter writer and Wrestling Observer correspondent Bryan Alvarez.

Ruckus was the first athlete to be eliminated after Larry Sweeney countered one of Ruckus‘ breathtaking high risk moves to roll him up. Delirious seemed in prime position to eliminate champion Sweeney after Shadows Over Hell, but once Dennis Gregory made his way to ringside to confront Daizee Haze, who Gregory had had a distasteful confrontation with earlier, Delirious took his attentions off of the ring long enough to unfortunately be counted out. It was down to Sweeney and the man who stole his prized possession, and the man who had been running from him all match, Bryan Alvarez. Alvarez attempted to fight, but the 12 Large Elbow led to the retaining of the Super Indy Title and the regaining of the Texarkana Title, as Sweeney if for only a moment and only in his mind, was a dual champion.

The entire Gambino Family came to the ring to gloat about their criminal assault on Super Hentai that cost Hentai his dream of a second Super Indy tournament victory. The Family even went as far as to attempt to toll the bell ten times in honor of Hentai’s ‘dead career’. However, before the count could hit ten, another bell began to toll in the form of Super Hentai’s entrance music. Hentai, Michael Façade, and mentor Shirley Doe, all armed with weaponry stormed the ring for a wild and ugly gangfight that spilled all over the building and even outside of it. All six men are on a collision course, with deeply personal emotions and wreckless intent driving all involved.

Perhaps the most cohesive team today, Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin, The Motor City Machine Guns, battled perhaps the most focused in Eric Xtasy & Justin Idol, Sexual Harassment, with the winners receiving an IWC Tag Title shot at Babyface Fire in May. Shelley & Sabin dazzled those in attendance with their seamless double team offense, but it was not enough to conquer the focus and determination of Sexual Harassment, who found a way to win and march one step closer to Xtasy & Idol’s first tag team title together. However, after the match, an angry Shelley & Sabin attacked the winning team and showed that just because they were not victorious, they still were not going to go away quietly.

The IWC debut of the physically imposing Awesome Kong saw her as angry and dangerous as ever, dominating the double-tough Daizee Haze. Haze refused to back down and give Kong everything she had, but after Awesome Kong’s Awesome Bomb, IWC’s second ever women’s singles match was history.