Hell Hath No Fury 3 Results

Hell Hath No Fury 3
May 17th, 2008
Court Time Sports Center – Elizabeth, PA
Complete results from Joe Dombrowski

  1. John McChesney def. CJ Sensation
  2. J-Rocc def. Raymond Rowe via DQ
  3. IWC Tag Team Champions BabyFace Fire (Shiima Xion & Jason Gory) def. Sexual Harassment (Eric Xtasy & Justin Idol)
  4. Jake “The Snake” Roberts def. Vendetta via DQ
  5. IWC World Heavyweight Champion Dennis Gregory def. Delirious
  6. Johnny Gargano def. Troy Lords
  7. The Family (Jimmy DeMarco, Mickey Gambino, & Marshall Gambino) def. Shirley Doe, Super Hentai, & Michael Facade
  8. IWC Super Indy Champion Jerry Lynn def. Larry Sweeney to become the undisputed Super Indy Champion

The International Wrestling Cartel returned to the Court Time Sports Center in Elizabeth, Pa with all the fallout from last month’s Super Indy VI spectacular. With promoter Norm Connors not in attendance, would the inmates truly be running the asylum?

Our main event saw the legendary former World champion Jerry Lynn defeat “Sweet & Sour” Larry Sweeney for undisputed possession of the Super Indy Title. Lynn, the consummate, respectful professional refused to acknowledge himself as the official Super Indy champion until he defeated prior titleholder Sweeney. After a unique strut-off, and great contest, Lynn reigned supreme as champion, with Sweeney both gracious and humble — and quick to mention his prized ICW/ICWA Texarkana TV Title was NOT as stake. However, IWC’s Super Indy division officially enters the Jerry Lynn Era.

A six-man tag team war pitting Marshall & Mickey Gambino and Jimmy DeMarco of The Family against the two recent targets of their attempted hits: Super Hentai & Michael “The Bomber” Façade, along with mentor Shirley Doe ended in chaos and bloodshed. After assaulting and bloodying Façade with a vicious chairshot, The Family set out to prove once again the power of strength in numbers. With Viki Gambino and the Family’s flunkies looking on from ringside, Vendetta made his presence known, interfering with a brutal power bomb, allowing near-300 lb. Marshall Gambino to connect with a splash from the top rope. After the match, the vile assault on Façade continued, dropping his lifeless body on two open chairs.
The Family makes another statement, as the remorseless destruction continues.

Record-setting five-time Heavyweight champion Dennis Gregory faced the challenge of Delirious, as Delirious tried to avenge the disgusting chauvinistic and overtly sexual nature of Gregory’s behavior toward Delirious’ personal translator Daizee Haze last month. Delirious and Haze were able to gain some degree of revenge, however Delirious was momentarily blinded by rage. As he trapped Gregory in a submission, the man from the Edge of Sanity failed to recognize his shoulders were on the mat as Gregory was on top of him. Gregory finds another way to win it “all by himself”, just like he claims to have done last month against The Sandman, conveniently neglecting to mention John McChesney’s knockout-shot to The Sandman that directly led to the title changing hands.

Sexual Harassment looked to add a fifth title to the team’s legacy, and the first title to this latest incarnation of the group as they challenged Shiima Xion & Jason Gory, Babyface Fire for the titles. The story in recent months was the repeated lack of chemistry between Idol & Xtasy, as they always seemed on two separate pages, but tonight they were as cohesive as ever. It was BFF that suffered from a miscue in the bout, however showed incredible recovery skills to retain the titles. All four men showed respect following the match, yet a clearly-dejected Harassment have to be hoping another opportunity is not far away.

The legendary master of mat psychology Jake “The Snake” Roberts made his Elizabeth, Pa IWC debut as part of Norm Connors’ punishment for the outspoken Family member Vendetta. However, a phone call to PETA from “Fabulous” John McChesney, still bitter over his loss to Jake some weeks back, meant that Jake’s trusty python was nowhere in sight. However, Jake’s deadliest weapon – the DDT – was still unleashed on Jimmy DeMarco, despite DeMarco’s preposterous attempts of countering the move by taping Jimmy Demarco vendettaa plastic bowl to his head. McChesney wasn’t happy just taking away the snake, he went after Jake as well, until Sexual Harassment ran off the evil-doers. Officially, Jake wins via disqualification.

The implosion of The Cleveland Mafia led to the first one on one meeting between J-Rocc and Ray Rowe after months of ill-will. However, after Ray Rowe exploded with a series of suplexes, he made it clear, he was sparing J-Rocc for now for one reason… Rowe first wanted the man J-Rocc had sent to give Rowe his latest Ray Rowe J-rocc concussion and possibly end Rowe’s career… the 6’8 300 lb. Jason Bane. Rowe made it clear that once Rowe was done with Bane, he would be ready to finish off J-Rocc once and for all.

Johnny Gargano was able to defeat former Super Indy champion Troy Lords in a match of two athletes at a career crossroads, searching for momentum. Gargano was accompanied to ringside by Jerry Lynn, the man who defeated Gargano to qualify into Super Indy VI. It seems Gargano’s efforts against Lynn were enough to impress the former ECW champion, as Lynn and Gargano were seen discussing strategy earlier in the day. Is Lynn taking the 20 year old upstart under his wing?

“Fabulous” John McChesney officially severed any remaining ties he may have had with CJ Sensation, polishing Jhim off with his electric chair driver in another search for respect and opportunity from IWC management. Still angry over his Super Indy VI shortcomings, McChesney made it clear he is no laughing matter. Sensation meanwhile, continued to take his frustrations out on IWC security, this time attacking his recent rival unprovoked during intermission.