Clearfield Cataclysm 2 Results

Clearfield Cataclysm 2
March 6th, 2010
Clearfield County Fairgrounds – Clearfield, PA
Complete results from Joe Dombrowski

  1. King Kahlua def. Chest Flexor
  2. Johnny Gargano def. Jason Gory to qualify for Super Indy IX
  3. Calvin McGrath & Sara Brooks def. Brittany Force & Kato
  4. Dean Radford vs. Shane Taylor went to a double count-out
  5. IWC World Heavyweight Champion Jimmy DeMarco def. J-Rocc
  6. Justin Idol vs. Michael “The Bomber” Facade went to a time-limit draw in a Super Indy IX Qualifying Match
  7. Logan Shulo def. Jimmy Vega$
  8. IWC Super Indy Champion Super Hentai def. Sebastian
  9. Jon Bolen & The Patriot def. Shiima Xion & Ray Rowe

Clearfield Cataclysm Causes Complete Chaos!

IWC’s second “Clearfield Cataclysm” on March 6, 2010, was headlined by the latest title defense of IWC Champion “DeeeLicious” Jimmy DeMarco as he was opposed by Cleveland Mafia head and “Big Daddy of Destruction” J-Rocc, deemed top contender under controversial circumstances five weeks earlier. The match degenerated to chaos as both athletes brawled all over the building, at times with near riotous tendencies, as the Clearfield fans showed love for DeMarco and hatred for J-Rocc to a degree not often seen. Once order was sustained, the DeeeLicious One was able to C4 his way to another successful title defense, and in the process, with the help of a steel chair and ringpost, carry out his goal of breaking J-Rocc’s arm, some bad karma and long-overdue revenge for J-Rocc, whom had done the same to DeMarco in 2005. Jimmy’s victory celebration was short-lived however. I attempted to gain a comment from Mr. DeMarco regarding a scheduled upcoming title defense with Ray Rowe on May 8, but once again, chaos reigned, and MAJOR news developed from that incident. More on that in the coming days here on!

Speaking of Ray Rowe, the “Suplex Machine” separated from his Cleveland Mafia cohorts for a night in order to team with the man who has been pulling the strings of IWC’s supposed “chosen ones” for many months now – former IWC Champion Shiima Xion, as they opposed Jon Bolen and his hand-chosen tag partner, the legendary Patriot! Bolen and Patriot were able to vanquish their rivals on this night, but we got merely a taste of what’s to come in the rivalry between Bolen and all of Shiima Xion’s hired thugs. Rowe was the man who screwed Bolen out of an IWC Title shot back at “Kickoff” by getting Bolen intentionally disqualified, and one has to think Bolen will not let up until he is back into IWC title contention.

Speaking of title contention, the “Super Indy Innovator” Super Hentai successfully retained the Super Indy Title once again against Clearfield’s own Sebastian. Hentai showcased a darker side of his personality, knowing he was in enemy territory and against all odds in the hometown of the challenger. A foreign object introduced in the match ended up being used by Sebastian to procure a three-count, however following the fall the official was made aware of the infraction, and reversed his decision, giving the win to Hentai. The controversy however, led to IWC owner Chuck Roberts announcing that during IWC’s next trip to Clearfield, Hentai & Sebastian would meet one more time… and it would be a Ladder Match!

Two matches were held to determine the next men to join Logan Shulo in the Super Indy IX tournament field this May. In the “Second Chance” Super Indy Qualifier, Johnny Gargano bested Jason Gory in a battle of former titleholders, and afterward Shiima Xion, for the third time, took it upon himself to verbally berate and insult Gory in public, chastising him for blowing his second opportunity at Super Indy. Finally, Gory could take no more as after nearly six years of virtual silence, Gory spoke and he made it count. Gory issued the challenge to Shiima Xion to a one-on-one match April 10 at IWC’s annual Night of Legends, where we will find out once and for all if Shiima Xion is truly as better than Gory as he claims, or if Jason Gory can show that just because he doesn’t have the heavyweight titles and international tours to speak of, doesn’t mean he doesn’t have the heart, the desire, and the talent to shut up his one time tag championship partner.

Our other qualifying match pitted Justin Idol one-on-one with Michael “The Bomber” Façade. Façade was looking to climb back into the title picture after a narrow loss to champion Super Hentai this past December, meanwhile Idol seemed more intense and aggressive, seemingly looking to make up for the deflating loss and injury to Eric Xtasy suffered in their match with Irish Airborne at “Kickoff”. After a physical 15 minute battle, neither man had been able to gain the upper hand, and the strictly-enforced Super Indy time limit had expired. Owner Chuck Roberts, in order to be fair to all contestants, would not extend the time limit, but DID agree to host Idol vs. Façade one more time next month for a Super Indy Tournament slot!

“East Coast Killer” Dean Radford battled the Cleveland Mafia’s “Notorious” Shane Taylor one-on-one stemming from the tag match both were in at “Kickoff” that resulted in a double-countout, and tonight we were met with another unclear decision, as Shane Taylor simply walked away from the master of Radication, opting to lose via countout. Radford was tired of the countouts, and as a result challenged Taylor when IWC returns to CCAC South in West Mifflin, PA next month… to a Lumberjack Match.

“The Frontman” Logan Shulo defeated the first ever 2-time IWC Champion Jimmy Vega$, to avenge his loss to Vega$ from this past November, but used his obnoxious mic stand as a weapon to get the job done. Now that Shulo has channeled the confidence and energy from his non-wrestling life as an avid musician, is there any limit to how far Shulo’s star can rise?

Mixed tag action saw the next chapter in the Brittany Force vs. Sara Brooks rivalry at our Clearfield events, as Brooks and her partner Calvin McGrath, an impressive physical specimen making his IWC debut, defeated the team of Force and her partner Kato.

The veteran King Kaluha made his IWC return after a several year absence, besting IWC’s most loveable and underrated talent, Chest Flexor. Flexor’s bad luck continues to get worse, as he was not only defeated, but suffered an eye injury in the bout as well. When will Mr. Flexor’s luck turn for the better?