Winner Takes All 2014 Results

Winner Takes All 2014 – December 13th, 2014
Court Time Sports Center – Elizabeth, PA
Complete results from Joe Dombrowski
Photos from Daniel Hooven

  1. Draviko, Wardlow, & Bryan Bowers def. The Sexy Talented Dudes (Chest Flexor, Corey Futuristic, & Lee Ryans)
  2. Zema Ion def. Sammy Guevara
  3. IWC Tag Team Champion The Hollywood Balds (Jimmy DeMarco & Vendetta) def. KnightRiders (Remy Lavey & Sam Cassidy), Jock Samson & Bronco McBride, and Nickie Valentino in a 3-and-a-half way dance
  4. Asylum def. Team Big League (Matthew Justice & Joseph Brooks) in a handicapped match
  5. IWC Super Indy Champion Andrew Palace def. Facade in a ladder match
  6. Colin Delaney def. Keith Haught
  7. IWC World Heavyweight Champion Dalton Castle def. RJ City
  8. The Founding Fathers (Dennis Gregory, Jimmy Vega$, & Super Hentai) def. The Faces of Change (VIP Joe Rosa, Darin Dinero, & Vic Adonis)
  9. Matt Hardy def. John McChesney (special guest ref: Jimmy Nutts)


IWC’s final event of 2014, held at the Court Time Sports Center in Elizabeth, PA, wasn’t just the end of a calendar year, it was the end of an era as well. Citing personal and family obligations, Chuck Roberts would step down as IWC owner on this night, but not before and appropriate climax to his five-year run as head of the organization, and not before the new sheriff in town let their presence be known in a most physical way.

Our IWC Title match saw perhaps the two most dominant forces in IWC in 2014 meet one-on-one for the very first time ever in an IWC ring, as Dalton Castle was challenged by Mr. Sports Entertainment himself, RJ City, in what turned out to be among the most physical and competitive IWC Title matches in recent memory. The toll taken on the arm of Dalton left him unable to properly execute the bridging pinfall version of his deadlift German suplex, leaving the champion to have to rely on a resourceful plan B in order to put away the tenacious challenger. Once Dalton had found a way to survive, the truly fun part was set to begin, as the pre-match stipulation required RJ’s obnoxious associate Justin LaBar to spend five minutes in-ring with Dalton Castle. Rather than honor his commitment, LaBar ran like a frightened child, literally escaping through the front door and running into the night, never to be seen again. Or would he?

One of Chuck Roberts’ final acts in power in IWC was one some may call unexpected. After summoning John McChesney to the ring, Chuck proceeded to echo the sentiment he, many fans, critiques, and peers have stated many times about “Big League”. His talent, his longevity, his ability to perform in big match situations is second to none. It’s just his questionable alliances, short-cuts, and manipulation that holds him back from his true potential. Chuck provided a visual aid as well – presenting John with the IWC Title belt that McChesney had worn for a cumulative two years – a record. As John’s most decorated accomplishments stared him back in the face, he clearly had some big decisions leading into his main event battle with Matt Hardy.

One more curve ball was thrown by Chuck, though he promised it was for John’s own good… a Special Guest Referee for McChesney vs. Hardy… none other than the man McChesney had manipulated out of IWC with a serious knee injury, Jimmy Nutts. This was Nutts & McChesney’s first time seeing one another since their wild brawls earlier this year, but Nutts proved to be an exemplary referee, watching as two warriors, McChesney and Hardy, settled their issue like men in a physical instant classic with a big-fight feel. Nutts’ presence was effective in eliminating any potential involvement from Team Big League or any others with agendas, and it allowed what some may call the McChesney of old to re-surface in the heat of battle. It took two Twists of Fate to keep McChesney down long enough for three, cementing McChesney’s continued resolve. Yet, the action was far from over. Team Big League, Colin Delaney, and a returning Justin LaBar emerged to clean house. Dalton Castle re-emerged to help, but the numbers game was insurmountable. Chuck Roberts returned with one final announcement… the new owner of IWC… was the same man LaBar had demeaned and spit on earlier that night, and months beforehand… IWC Aftershock host Justin Plummer! As the news sunk in, the rest of Team Big League – and even McChesney! – seemed to want to distance themselves from Mr. LaBar, leaving LaBar all alone with about five minutes of pain he still owed. Plummer, Nutts, Dalton, and Hardy took their respective turns humiliating Mr. LaBar as the next era of IWC is welcomed in emphatic and unforgettable fashion!

From pageantry to absolute carnage as VIP Joe Rosa joined Vic Adonis & Darin Dinero of the Faces of Change to battle Dennis Gregory & Jimmy Vega$ representing The Founding Fathers. Fellow Founding Father Justin Idol had been MIA since one of the Faces of Change’s brutal beatdowns and was effectively out of the match, leaving the FF with the numbers against them for perhaps the first time ever. With elimination rules in tact, the FOC were able to divide and conquer. Once Jimmy Vega$ was seriously injured near the tech area, it became a 3-on-1 assault on Dennis Gregory, eliminating him from the bout on the heels of Justin Idol emerging… and betraying his Founding Father partners, blasting Gregory in the skull, rendering him unconscious. The vultures turned to Vega$, though the first ever 2-time IWC champ had more fight left in him than anyone realized, as two Cha-Ching Slams left Adonis & Dinero eliminated from the fight. It was one-on-one Vega$ vs. Rosa, the issue that started all of this chaos. After drilling Vega$ through a table and pinning him, it appeared Rosa had won the match, and ended the Founding Fathers’ careers forever. However, it seemed the Founding Fathers DID have a third man, the final piece to the puzzle everyone forgot… as the “Super Indy Innovator” Super Hentai returned after a 16 month absence to even the odds and even the score, saving the careers of the Founding Fathers in an unforgettable moment. The Founding Fathers prove they are far from done, and are now complete once again.

It was a breathtaking and, at times, uncomfortable scene as Facade and Andrew Palace took their personal war to new heights, literally and figuratively, in a Ladder Match. It was a polarizing atmosphere, as vocal supporters of both were in attendance to see which way the Super Indy Title pendulum would swing. Facade, bitter and jealous in the eyes of some, attempted to make it personal when he stole the prized goggles of Palace, but it incited the young upstart to comeback from a very uncomfortable landing, when he withstood the Arishikage Driver onto a bridged ladder on the outside. But as Palace rallied, Facade persevered, and both men found one another simultaneously climbing toward the gold. Facade had one trick left up his sleeve – a can of spraypaint concealed in the pocket of his wrestling attire, ready to spray in Palace’s eyes, similar to Facade’s disrespectful artwork across Palace’s anatomy this past October. However, Palace had recovered his goggles from the “Neon Ninja” and they were placed firmly across his eyes, shielding him from the spray, allowing him to counter and retain his title. What was once considered a symbol of how much of a joke Palace is directly led to his greatest career victory, and Andrew Palace finally got his celebration, his moment, that was taken away from him by Facade at Retro Reunion.

Colin Delaney emerged victorious over a very game and gutsy former tag partner Keith Haught, but a bigger story emerged afterward as we got a glimpse into Colin’s psyche. Colin spoke of some of his past regrets and mentioned one person he never had a chance to get his hands on, one person he always wanted to beat… ANOTHER partner he turned his back on, back in WWE, his mentor Tommy Dreamer. Colin sent several disrespectful messages toward “The Innovator of Violence”, including using Dreamer’s own DDT later in the night, punctuated by a challenge to meet Colin one-on-one at IWC’s first event of 2015. is awaiting word of a potential response from Dreamer as of press time.

In other action, DJ Z/Zema Ion defeated Sammy Guevara in a battle that dazzled and amazed with their international flavor and high-octane style. Jimmy DeMarco & Vendetta retained the IWC Tag Titles, out-smarting The Knight Riders, Jock Samson & Bronco McBride, and Nickie Valentino (sans partner in a perhaps first-ever ‘three and a half way dance’). DeMarco’s machinations (including what he described as a “Muscle Buffet”) were enough to throw the match into a perpetual state of madness, allowing Vendetta to capitalize once everybody lost their focus. Asylum scored one of his most impressive wins to date, defeating TWO members of Team Big League at once, Joseph Brooks & the man responsible for injuring Jimmy Nutts, Matthew Justice. And in an exciting opening bout, the Lance Storm trainee Bryan Bowers, energetic Draviko, and newcomer the massive rookie Wardlow defeated the STDs of Chest Flexor & Corey Futuristic and their STD-in-Testing “Wild Child” Lee Ryans.

This event was dedicated to the memory of JP Balson, IWC & Sorgatron Media camera operator, who tragically passed away last month at the age of 28.

For more Winner Takes All 2015 images from Daniel Hooven, visit the album on our Facebook!

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