Caged Combat 2 Results

Caged Combat 2 – April 23rd, 2016
Clearfield County Fairgrounds – Clearfield, PA
Complete results from Nick Lendl
Photos from Daniel Hooven

  1. Zachary Wentz def. Clayton Jackson to qualify for Super Indy 15
  2. Samantha Heights def. Rudy Jordan
  3. Darin Dinero def. Super Hentai
  4. Chris LeRusso, Wardlow, Chest Flexor, & Kongo def. Andrew Palace, Shane InYaFace, Bulk Nasty, & Santana Diamonds in an elimination match. LeRusso was the sole survivor, last eliminating Palace.
  5. Dylan Bostic def. Bob Evans
  6. The Fraternity (Channing Decker & Trent Gibson) def. IWC Tag Team Champions Keith Haught & Remy LaVey in a steel cage match to win the titles
  7. Jimmy Vega$ def. Jon Bolen in a steel cage weapons match

IWC invaded Clearfield this past weekend, and we brought the fifteen foot high Steel Cage with us for Caged Combat 2! The night kicked off with an emotional ten bell salute from my broadcast partner, Joe Dombrowski, in the ring. Joe honored the likes of Balls Mahoney and Chyna, who had just recently passed away. We were able to reflect on the time Balls spent in IWC and the incredible contributions Chyna made to our business. Thank you!

Nobody was more shocked with the return of Jimmy Vegas at IWC Fifteen than Bolen. Immediately these two huge men crossed paths, fighting one another all over the Court Time Sports Center! A good call by Justin Plummer, the Steel Cage might have been the only way to contain these two huge men and ensure the safety of the audience in attendance! Different from the other cage match on the card, the only way to win this contest was by pinfall or submission and honestly, I don’t believe either of these men would have ever willingly left the cage anyway.

The match started outside the ring as Bolen introduced several weapons including an axe handle, kendo sticks, steel chairs and garbage can lids! It was clear very fast that this one would probably get out of hand and it didn’t slow down when they finally entered the cage some five minutes later. Bolen and Jimmy Vegas had a war inside a Steel Cage that would only end when one man could no longer stand!

The most ironic part of the match was the ending. Jimmy Vegas beat Bolen inside a Steel Cage with the most elementary of wrestling maneuvers, a small package! Bolen was furious and the fight continued even though the match was over. It wasn’t until Vegas propped a steel chair into the corner turnbuckle and smashed Bolen’s head through it that he was able to get his arm raised in victory!

It was such a feel-good moment two weeks ago at Night of the Superstars when Remy Lavey and Keith Haught were able to upset The Fraternity and become IWC Tag Team Champions. Gibson and Decker were looking to cut the Cinderella story short however, as they quickly invoked their rematch clause for inside the Steel Cage in Clearfield.

As usual, The Fraternity ran down the town of Clearfield and continued to refer to the Tag Team Champions as “bags of milk” before entering the cage. They reminded the crowd that the only reason they lost at Night of the Superstars was because of interference from Booker T. To a chorus of boos, the Frat reminded everyone that Booker was not there and that the rightful champions would again be leaving with the titles. Just then, familiar music played as Marshall Gambino made his way to the ring! Gambino knows The Frat has something up their sleeve and announces that he will be the special “gate keeper” in the steel cage match!

Gibson and Decker were furious as Remy Lavey and Keith Haught make their way to the ring and into the cage. The door is locked and all four men begin brawling as this match is contested under “tornado” rules. The only way to win is for both members of the team to escape the cage. The match quickly turned ugly for the champions as The Frat made use of the steel cage, using it as a cheese grater on Haught’s face and opening up huge welts on the back of Lavey after repeatedly throwing him into each side of the steel! The heart of the champions shined through as Haught and Lavey continued to fight and prove that what happened two weeks ago wasn’t a fluke.

Remy Lavey has continued to rise up through the years, despite being the real “Social Outcast” and overlooked for so long while Keith Haught has been pushed to the side by everyone he’s ever trusted. Now they’re the Tag Team Champions! This was their chance to prove they could beat The Frat without help from Booker T or anybody! With Decker and Gibson both prone in the ring, Haught and Lavey each got their “Jimmy Snuka moment” as Lavey dove off the cage onto both obnoxious former champions and Haught was able to hit his Haught Mess signature maneuver! Everyone said their win was a fluke and now they were about to retain the Titles in a Steel Cage!

What happened next left the Clearfield audience in silence: As Lavey and Haught attempted to escape the cage through the door, Marshall Gambino slammed the door into their faces! The Frat began to stumble to their feet, just as confused as we were, and Marshall signaled for them to leave through the door. Gibson and Decker then easily left the cage, untouched, becoming the two time IWC Tag Team Champions.

Gambino then entered the ring and proceeded to pummel Lavey and Haught, repeatedly telling them they had no right holding the titles he and his brother put on the map! The situation got even more uncomfortable as Gambino began exchanging heated words with Justin Plummer at ringside. It was obvious that this was meant to be a huge message to the locker room that the Gambino Brothers are the greatest tag team in IWC history!

In a cross-promotional matchup, Ring of Honor’s Brutal Bob Evans planned to beat some respect into the “Justin Bieber of Professional Wrestling,” Dylan Bostic. While appearing for ROH earlier this year, Bostic, as expected, rubbed a lot of people the wrong way and Evans took exception to the disrespect he showed in the locker room.

After engaging in a war of words with the Clearfield fans upon their entrance, the traditional pre-match kiss between Bostic and Ray Lyn took a turn to the unexpected as Evans was able to sneak in and steal a kiss from Ray Lyn as well! If that didn’t catch Bostic off guard, what happened next surely did… In one of the strangest starts to any wrestling match in history, Evans spun Dylan around and laid a fat one on him too!

Brutal Bob was clearly the fan favorite, high fiving fans and even using some kids in the front row to assist him unload a series of shots to Bostic! As usual Ray Lyn was up to her old tricks, distracting the referee any way possible, even managing to give Evans a Stink-Face in the corner. The cheating would catch up with the duo however, as Bostic accidentally hit a splash in the corner on Ray Lyn, who had just jumped on the back of Evans. Unfortunately for Evans, his last flurry of offense wasn’t enough and Bostic was able to pick up the victory using his signature Swaggy D maneuver.

The real story of the match is what we saw after… A side of Dylan Bostic we haven’t seen before in IWC. Bostic grabbed a steel chair and proceeded to place Bob’s arm inside the folded chair in an attempt to break his arm! Luckily for Brutal Bob, he was able to free his arm from the chair and send Bostic in retreat.

Dylan Bostic has been saying for months that he is the rightful number one contender to the IWC World Heavyweight Championship and after this victory, Bostic looks to Reloaded on May 7th where he faces WWE legend, Billy Gunn. If Bostic can pull out a victory over the “Ass Man” in two weeks at Reloaded 2.0, people will have no choice but to start taking notice of the Platinum World Tour as we enter the summer season!

In a loaded eight-man tag team elimination match, newcomers Shane InYaFace and Santana Diamonds teamed with Bulk Nasty and the IWC Super Indy Champion, Andrew Palace. Their opponents, led by Chris LeRusso, included Chest Flexor, the menacing Wardlow and “The Wildman” Kongo, a near 400 pound primitive beast, who was introduced to the crowd as LeRusso’s latest ploy to stack the deck against Andrew Palace. It seemed as if LeRusso formed a backup plan after IWC owner, Justin Plummer, made the announcement that he had banned BC Steele, Justin LaBar and the other members of the STD’s from ringside!

As the action started in the ring, so did LeRusso’s mouth, taunting Palace from the apron. In true champion fashion, Palace stepped up to the challenge, but LeRusso seeminglymade a tag to one of his other partners every time Palace was tagged in to the match. Was LeRusso apprehensive about stepping in the ring with the Super Indy Champion or was this all part of “The Heir Apparent’s” plan?

LeRusso’s team used their size advantage to take out Diamonds and Shane InYaFace, but ran into a huge roadblock in the form of Bulk Nasty, who to the surprise of everyone in attendance, was able to pick up the near 400 pound Kongo and bodyslam him to the canvas! With the elimination of Chest Flexor, Palace’s team was riding a wave of momentum until a distraction from Wardlow allowed Kongo to hit a huge splash and eventually eliminate Bulk. This didn’t sit well with the Bulkster as he returned moments later, pulling Wardlow off the apron and proceeding to fight all the way to the back! Wardlow was counted out and it was later announced that these two huge men will square off at Reloaded 2.0 on May 7th!

LeRusso, frustrated, huddled with his team and smiled at the realization that Andrew Palace was now all alone in this match. With the plot unfolding just as planned, LeRusso joined myself and Joe Dombrowski at the commentary booth, talking down Palace some more and leaving Kongo the scraps in the ring. One last burst of energy allowed Palace to surprisingly eliminate Kongo, but the always thinking LeRusso snuck back in from behind and gained the important last elimination over Palace, making LeRusso the sole survivor.

Now that LeRusso has gained a pinfall victory over the Super Indy Champion, there’s no doubt he and manager BC Steele will continue to campaign for a shot at the championship. What will happen when these two finally meet one on one, and will it really be one on one?

In other action we saw “The Prodigy” Zachary Wentz face Clayton Jackson in a Super Indy tournament qualifying match. Wentz, representing Ohio is for Killers, previously appeared for IWC back at Fifteen coming up just short against Dylan Bostic while Jackson was making his first IWC appearance. Their styles clashed throughout the match as Wentz likes to use a series of high risk maneuvers and Jackson is more focused on his power and strength.

To the delight of his teacher who looked on, Dave Crist, Wentz was able to hit his signature maneuvers, Thanks For The Memories and the Baywood Bomb to finally pick up the well-deserved victory and have his name entered in the tournament! Wentz now looks forward to June 11th when he will have to go through three men in one night in order to win the Super Indy tournament!

Speaking of the Super Indy tournament, the first entrant into this year’s fray, Darin Dinero, had his hands full in Clearfield as well with his biggest test to date: Going one on one with the measuring stick of the Super Indy division, Super Hentai. A back and forth contest as you’d imagine, Dinero was able to match strength with the man who has won multiple Super Indy tournaments and in fact, the strength of each man was on display as at one point the two traded impressive deadlift German suplexes on one another!

Ultimately, Dinero picked up the pinfall victory and maybe even more importantly, gained the respect of Hentai, who raised his arm after the match was over! With this win, Dinero gained momentum heading into the Super Indy tournament in June. Who will be next to qualify?

The IWC Women’s division continues to heat up as well! Caged Combat marked the debuts of Rudy Jordan and “Lost Girl” Samantha Heights in a competitive, back and forth matchup of “Can you top this?” Jordan claims she watches too much Doctor Who and frequently time travels, (awaiting confirmation from Corey Futuristic), while Heights thinks of herself as the Peter Pan type who just never grew up. Fun notes aside, these two women traded multiple nearfalls, submissions and a series of inner thigh kicks that echoed throughout Clearfield.

Though it was the IWC debut for both women, Heights, having wrestled for almost three years, had the experience advantage and was able to pull out the victory! No doubt names like Britt Baker and Ray Lyn will have their eyes on both of these women as they continue to prove their worth in our women’s division!

We now look forward to Reloaded 2.0 on May 7th when we return to the Court Time Sports Center! In addition to the return of the reset button, Reloaded will feature IWC World Heavyweight Champion DJZ, Bulk Nasty vs. Wardlow, Britt Baker vs. Deonna Purrazzo and Dylan Bostic vs. Billy Gunn! For the latest updates keep checking back here at!

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