MAY 13th, 2017
Results by Nick Lendl with Joe Dombrowski – Photos by Damian Lynch

IWC Women’s Champion Britt Baker def. Chelsea Green
Dan Hooven def. Bulk Nasty via count-out
IWC Tag Team Champions The Fraternity (Channing Decker & Trent Gibson) def. The Carnies (Nick Iggy & Kerry Awful)
SHane InYaFace def. Jack Pollock via forfeit
Chris LeRusso def. IWC Super Indy Champion John McChesney in a best 2 out of 3 falls match to win the title
The Mega Plowers (Jock Samson & Magnum CK)
Gory def. Sless Taylor
Jami Jameson def. Santana Diamonds
IWC World Heavyweight Champion Wardlow def. Andrew Palace

The Road to Super Indy certainly took an unexpected turn this past weekend as IWC presented Aftershock 2 from the Court Time Sports Center in Elizabeth, PA. Andrew Palace had his eyes set on Aftershock for weeks as it would be his first opportunity at the IWC World HeavyweightChampionship. Picking up momentum over the last few months, Palace couldn’t have been more prepared for his one-on-one matchup with defending champion, Wardlow! There was a look of determination in Palace’s eyes on his way to the ring that we haven’t seen before. It was the look of a man walking into the biggest match of his career, knowing that one more win would change it forever!

During Palace’s entrance there seemed to be an issue with some fans at ringside as members of the IWC Security Staff were crowding in one corner of the barricade. When Palace walked over to see what was happening he was blindsided by the Staff members! Confusion filled the building until the faces of the Staff members could be seen… It was Team Storm! Jaxon Argos and RC Dupree ganged up on Palace as Jack Pollock savagely attacked him with a steel chair, culminating with a vicious running boot to the face as Argos and Dupree held the steel in place, busting open Palace’s forehead!

Nobody was more surprised to see Jack Pollock than IWC Owner, Justin Plummer. Pollock had no-showed his scheduled match earlier in the night against Shane InYaFace and Plummer wanted answers! Real IWC Staff members who had been trying to separate Team Storm from the beaten Palace now directed their attention elsewhere… What began as a shouting match turned into a very real situation quickly when Pollock and Plummer went after each other, having to be pulled apart several times by the Staff members. The two were ultimately separated and escorted back to the locker room, but Plummer was visibly upset.

You’d have to imagine Pollock will be fired for his actions. He, along with his Team Storm buddies, ruined the main event and seriously injured one of IWC’s biggest stars, but absolutely crossed the line when Pollock laid his hands on the owner of the company. We’ve been told an official announcement from Plummer will be released soon.

Perhaps what makes Andrew Palace so popular with the IWC fans is his heart. When Team Storm was finally forced back to the locker room, Palace insisted the scheduled World Heavyweight Title match still take place. During the scuffle Plummer promised Palace another title shot in the future, but Palace wanted his opportunity tonight!

The challenger was barely able to make it to his feet before the undefeated World Heavyweight Champion’s music hit and Wardlow made his way to the ring while Justin LaBar smiled from ear to ear behind him. Palace showed what the title meant to him by giving everything he had to the much bigger champion, but Team Storm had beaten Palace so badly he never even had a fair shot to dethrone the “Man with War in his Name.”

It could be considered an easy title defense for Wardlow, however the 300 pounder from Cleveland won’t be able to rest easy as following the match Jimmy Vegas made his return to IWC and made it clear he was coming for Wardlow and his championship! These two huge monsters have unfinished business with each other and you have to imagine Justin Plummer will eventually sign the much anticipated rematch sometime in the near future.

Chris LeRusso took back the IWC Super Indy Championship from John McChesney in a 2 out of 3 Falls Match where the winner would not only leave with the title, but would also have the honor of defending the championship in the prestigious Super Indy tournament next month! Knowing LeRusso would have manager BC Steele with him at ringside, McChesney had a plus one of his own in the form of IWC Women’s Champion, Britt Baker!

Britt’s presence helped to eliminate much of the shenanigans from Steele on the other side of the ring, but not enough to overcome the experienced duo of LeRusso and BC and ultimately a steel chair would be the deciding factor in the IWC Legend, McChesney losing his championship back to “The Heir Apparent.” LeRusso won the match two falls to one and proceeded to add insult to injury after the bell. Steele and LeRusso beat down McChesney with the steel chair and even tied the helpless Britt Baker up in the ropes!

Thankfully we’ll never know what their true intentions were as before they could get their hands on the Women’s Champion the lights went out, revealing former three-time Ring of Honor World Champion Adam Cole in the center of the ring when they came back on! Cole cleared the ring of the new champion and his loudmouth manager, coming to the aid of Baker. When Cole could see that Britt was ok he asked for a microphone and thanked the IWC fans. He then had a request that made the fans in the Court Time Sports Center erupt: Adam Cole asked to be the final entrant in the Super Indy Tournament! Without hesitation it was agreed upon by IWC Owner Justin Plummer and made official. Cole being put in the fray only adds to the already star studded bracket, and Chris LeRusso may have inadvertently given himself and even bigger mountain to climb on June 10th.

It’s safe to say Bulk Nasty is fed up with Dan Hooven calling him out on Social Media. The former ringside photographer has made it clear he won’t be bullied by Bulk or anyone else in the locker room. You have to admire the guts of Hooven, but this time he may have bitten off more than he could chew…

Last month at Clearfield Carnage Hooven actually picked up a win over the “Human Crime Scene” in a Street Fight where he teamed with John McChesney to face Bulk and Chris LeRusso. That match saw Bulk humiliated throughout, being repeatedly beaten by kendo sticks and at one point even being put through a table by Hooven himself!

Surprisingly again, Hooven wasn’t intimidated when a one-on-one match was announced between the two at Aftershock, and what’s more, Hooven got another win! After circling the ring a number of times trying to get his hands on the much smaller fan favorite from South Philly, Japan, Bulk Nasty was outsmarted and embarrassed again! Hooven had slid in the ring just before the referee’s ten count, but Bulk didn’t make it in time! Dan Hooven, whether by count-out or not, defeated Bulk Nasty one-on-one at Aftershock.

Obviously furious at what had just transpired, Bulk ran after Hooven and chased him all the way out of the Court Time Sports Center! Hooven was seen escaping from the big man in a getaway car parked outside thebuilding waiting for him. More on this story, and who the driver may have been as it develops…

Britt Baker defeated Chelsea Green for the second time in an IWC ring, this time with her title on the line, forcing Impact Wrestling’s Bridezilla to tap out! Over the past number of months we’ve seen Britt defend her title against some of the biggest names in Women’s Independent Wrestling, and recently she’s even stepped up to some of the men on the IWC roster! There’s no doubt the “Mayor of Brittsburgh” anxiously awaits her next challenger, but after what went down at Aftershock, she may have her eyes locked on the Super Indy Tournament for the time being.

Newcomer Jami Jamison continues to impress, picking up a win over Santana Diamonds. Since debuting at Proving Ground back in February, Jamison has surely opened a number of eyes in the locker room, competing with top stars like Wardlow and Andrew Palace just a mere few months into his career. This, along with being taken under the wing of veteran Marshall Gambino, has made the “Country Hammer” one of the fastest rising stars in all of IWC and may already be in the running for Rookie of the Year. Let’s just hope he doesn’t get a T-shirt printed to constantly remind everyone of it if he wins… I hate when people do that!

In other action, The Mega Plowers defeated Team Storm’s Jaxon Argos and RC Dupree, Gory picked up a win over Sless Taylor in an exciting, fast paced matchup and The Fraternity successfully defended the IWC Tag Team Titles against The Carnies. Nick Iggy and Kerry Awful became the latest set of challengers to come up short against the obnoxious Channing Decker and Trent Gibson. The impressive run continues for the longest reigning Tag Team Champions is IWC history…

Next up on the IWC calendar is Super Indy 16 on June 10th when we return to the Court Time Sports Center in Elizabeth, PA. Chris LeRusso confidently walks into the tournament as defending Super Indy Champion, but as mentioned earlier, the field has been stacked like never before. Colt Cabana, Joey Janela, DJZ, Jonathan Gresham, Mike Orlando, Jay White and now former three-time Ring of Honor World Champion Adam Cole are all coming for LeRusso’s title, along with the opportunity to be victorious in one of Independent Wrestling’s most prestigious tournaments!

Check back here at and on Facebook/Twitter for the latest updates on Super Indy 16!