DECEMBER 9th, 2017
Results by Nick Lendl – Photos by Damian Lynch, Durmax Photos, and Andy Bloxham

Shane InYaFace def. Magnum CK
Dylan Bostic def. Jimmy Vega$
IWC Super Indy Champion Gory def. Kobe Durst
Jaxon Argos def. Jonathan Gresham to earn Team Storm long-term contracts
The Fraternity (Channing Decker & Trent Gibson) def. IWC Tag Team Champions Locked & Loaded (Duke Davis & Ganon Jones, Jr.) to win the titles
IWC High Stakes Champion Bulk Nasty won a High Stakes Title battle royal, last eliminating Dennis Jackson (also entered: Chris LeRusso, Dan Hooven, Chest Flexor, Billy Ruxpin, Pump Ferrari, Corey Futuristic, Calvin Couture, Noctus, Jason Tyler, Mambo Italiano, Marshall Gambino, & Jami Jameson)
Darin Dinero def. Jack Pollock to terminate Pollock’s IWC contract
IWC Women’s Champion Britt Baker def. Rachel Bostic, Katie Arquette, and Deonna Purrazzo
Andrew Palace def. IWC World Heavyweight Champion Wardlow to win the title

Winner Takes All is IWC’s signature event. It’s the culmination of a year’s hard work and a celebration of the year’s triumphs, and nothing exemplifies hard work, celebration and triumph more than the conclusion of this year’s main event. Fans filled The Court Time Sports Center in Elizabeth, PA this past weekend to witness first-hand the history making moments, and a boyhood dream come true!

Since beginning his career in IWC as a member of The STD’s, high expectations weren’t necessarily set for Andrew Palace. He was looked at as a guy who could fill a spot when needed, but not necessarily as somebody who could be a champion. Certainly not somebody who could be the face of the company.

While many would be more than satisfied in just securing a roster spot, Andrew Palace wouldn’t be content as just another guy in the background. Soon things started to change and Palace began to separate himself from the pack. He became a multiple time IWC Super Indy Champion and was even named the IWC Superstar of the Year back to back in 2015 and 2016! Most importantly however, along the way Palace earned the respect of the fans and the IWC locker room.

It was during this year that Palace finally began to ascend to the top of the IWC mountain, but with the undefeated Wardlow claiming that coveted spot as IWC World Heavyweight Champion, was Palace the man who could knock him off the peak?

Wardlow picked up wins over names like Shane Taylor, Rocky Reynolds and Punishment Martinez in 2017, but on this night Andrew Palace wouldn’t be denied. It took fighting through the bleachers, it took tearing apart the ring, it took multiple Hernia Drivers, it took almost five years of hard work and determination, but on December 9th, 2017 Andrew Palace was IWC World Heavyweight Champion!

The Court Time fans stood in unison, showing their appreciation and taking in this feel-good moment. Palace thanked the crowd following the match, getting choked up thinking about all he had endured to get to this point. Palace certainly knows that after winning the championship, defending it becomes the real challenge. And when that time comes he’ll be ready, but for now, it was his night to shine!

In what was perhaps the biggest upset of 2017, Jaxon Argos defeated Jonathan Gresham! The Ring of Honor star was distracted by Jack Pollock at the entrance way and was pinned for a three count! Due to this win and the pre-match stipulation, Argos earned himself and RC Dupree new, restructured, long-term contracts with IWC.

IWC Owner, Justin Plummer, kept his word and delivered the new contacts to Argos and Dupree, however it wasn’t time for Team Storm to celebrate just yet… Plummer announced that due to his interference, it would now be Pollock’s contract on the line in his match against Darin Dinero later on!

This infuriated the leader of Team Storm, but Pollock quickly collected himself and prepared for his match. Team Storm certainly has had Darin Dinero’s number over the last few months, with Pollock picking up three separate victories over “The Tinder Terrorist.” However on this night, “The best thing to happen to Professional Wrestling since Professional Wrestling happened” was defeated by a game Darin Dinero, and thus forced to leave the International Wrestling Cartel!

Pollock sat in the ring shocked as Argos and Dupree looked on with their mouths wide open. Argos and Dupree had secured themselves new contracts, but Pollock did not. Their leader was gone. Pollock tried not to leave, pleading with Justin Plummer to reconsider and work something out, but Plummer’s hands were tied. He called for security and had Pollock removed from the building. Tears filled the eyes of Argos and Dupree as they’re now forced to look for new direction heading into the New Year…

Winner Takes All was full of history making moments, including the first-ever Frat House Brawl for the IWC Tag Team Championship! It wasn’t long before the referee lost control in this one, but what could he do? There were no disqualifications, no count outs. The referee was essentially there to count the three and that was it.

Locked N’ Loaded battled The Fraternity throughout The Court Time Sports Center, crushing each other’s bodies with ladders and chairs, and driving each other through multiple tables. When it was all said and done, Channing Decker and Trent Gibson were the winners, becoming three-time IWC Tag Team Champions in what was without a doubt their toughest match to date. The Frat’s last reign atop of the IWC Tag Team division lasted over 500 days. If Ganon Jones Jr. and Duke Davis have their way, this reign won’t be nearly as long!

Bulk Nasty continued his dominance at Winner Takes All, successfully defending the IWC High Stakes Championship as he was the last man standing in an open invitation Battle Royal. The Human Crime Scene is on a mission to be known as THE big man in IWC and it’s become apparent to Bulk that if he wants to stake that claim, he must first go through the man who’s owned that title for over a decade, Jimmy Vegas!

Vegas had his hands full at Winner Takes All, facing Dylan Bostic in a match setup back at Caged Fury in August. The IWC mainstay lost focus as Bulk Nasty appeared at ringside, ultimately costing Vegas the match and allowing Bostic to pick up a huge win to end the year.

It may have appeared at one point to many that Jimmy Vegas was hinting at retirement, but now more than ever it seems there’s a reason for the IWC legend to stick around. Will Vegas continue his reign as THE big man in IWC as we begin 2018, or will Bulk Nasty steal the torch that Vegas isn’t ready to pass quite yet?

Magnum CK may have in fact forgotten he even had a match at Winner Takes All. Since defeating Magnum’s tag team partner, Jock Samson, Shane InYaFace had been itching for his one-on-one match with CK and Magnum was going to make him wait.

CK attempted to get in the head of the former undefeated MMA fighter by repeatedly circling the ring, stalling the start of the match, but to no avail. Shane connected with a hard shot immediately following the bell and pinned Magnum CK in mere seconds!

Following the loss, Magnum seemed quite confused. Was he questioning how he could have been defeated so quickly? Or was he questioning what we all were as well… “Was that the fastest match in IWC history?”

In other action, Gory successfully defended the IWC Super Indy Championship against Kobe Durst, and Britt Baker retained the IWC Women’s Championship in a Fatal 4-Way match, defeating Katie Arquette, Rachel Bostic and Deonna Purrazzo!

The year 2017 will go down as one of the greatest years in the history of the International Wrestling Cartel and we look forward to making 2018 even more memorable! Tickets are on sale now for our first two events of 2018 including our return to Rural Valley, PA for Proving Ground on January 20th, and the return of the Reset Button on February 17th as we’ll be back at The Court Time Sports Center for Reloaded 4.0! For matches and all of the latest, up to date info, visit!

From all of us here at IWC Wrestling, we hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year!