IWC closes out a huge 2018 with the first-annual Pittsburgh Pro Wrestling Classic on Saturday night December 8th at 7:00 PM! The action takes place at our home base of Court Time Sports Center in Elizabeth, PA! Eight huge matches have been signed for our 2018 finale, so let’s take a look!

First off, we are proud to announce we will be an official donation location for Pittsburgh Toys for Tikes! We will be accepting new and unopened toys that will go to children in need in local Pittsburgh communities. Representatives from Toys for Pittsburgh Tikes will be on hand, as well as our special guest… SANTA CLAUS! For more information on this great organization, please visit!

Wardlow sent a very clear message at Winner Takes All 2018: he is coming for Jack Pollock’s IWC World Heavyweight Title. After Pollock successfully defended against Tommy Dreamer, Wardlow hit the ring and planted Pollock through a table before posing with the championship he held for nearly a year undefeated. Pollock pinned Wardlow back in August following interference gone wrong from Wardlow’s former Team Labar stablemates Chris LeRusso and Bulk Nasty. With LeRusso and Bulk in Wardlow’s rearview, will he be able to get the title away from Pollock? The stakes have also been raised as this will now be Best 2 out of 3 Falls! Fall #1 will be Wardlow’s Choice. Fall #2 will be Pollock’s Choice. If there needs to be a Fall #3, the choice falls to the owner of IWC, Justin Plummer! Who will leave the Pittsburgh Pro Wrestling Classic as the IWC World Heavyweight Champion?

At Winner Takes All 2018, “The Queen of the Silver Screen” Katie Arquette finally had her moment in the spotlight. With her cousin David Arquette as the referee, she locked Britt Baker in Baker’s own submission hold and won the IWC Women’s Championship for the very first time. Now, on December 8th, Katie’s first title defense sees her facing none other than Ray Lyn! Ray Lyn was a thorn in previous champ Britt Baker’s side for years as a foundation in the IWC Women’s Division, but now she feels as if she’s been pushed to the side. Now she’s back… not only to reclaim her spot in the company, but the top spot in the IWC Women’s Division from Katie! Will she be able to take the title away from the new champion in her first title defense?

Pollock vs. Wardlow isn’t the only title defense Team Storm has to prepare for on December 8th. RC Dupree & Jaxon Argos will defend the IWC Tag Team Titles against former champions Duke Davis & Ganon Jones, Jr., collectively known as The Mane Event! TME have been gunning for the tag titles ever since they lost them nearly one year ago. Will they finally be able to end the “Team Storm Takeover” and shut Jaxon Argos up once and for all?

Jock Samson began attacking Andrew Palace behind the scenes and on social media before quitting IWC in March. At Threat Level Midnight in July, special guest general manager Bruce Prichard shocked the world by hiring Jock Samson back to IWC, only for Jock to attack Palace from behind following the announcement. For their first scheduled match, Jock attacked Palace with his bullrope and cowbell, hanging Palace over the top rope for several minutes. Incensed, Palace did the same to Jock at Unbreakable in October in a six-way ladder match. This hostile act cost Palace the IWC World Heavyweight Title, distracted from Jack Pollock climbing the ladder to retain the title because he was so focused on hanging Jock Samson. Palace issued an open challenge to Jock for November, but was answered by Mambo Italiano instead. Jock appeared via video on our big screen to say he wouldn’t be there that night, only to attack Palace from behind. After personal and physical attacks for nearly one year, Palace will finally face off with Jock one-on-one in a Bullrope Match! Which man will walk away the victor?

Back in February, Remy Lavey turned his back on the fans as well as his best friend Keith Haught. Lavey joined up with the Cogar Brothers as the Culmination and laid waste to Haught’s friends, including Jason Tyler, Santana Diamonds, Shawn Phoenix, and finally Dan Hooven. When it seemed like Keith was all alone with his back against the wall, Keith made a shocking announcement… not only was he facing The Culmination in December, but he was bringing an old friend back to IWC. A man who he’s had his differences with, but they have since patched things up… the “Extremely Cute Wrestler” Colin Delaney! These two ultimate underdogs held the IWC Tag Team Championship against all odds back in 2013, and will reunite to take out Haught’s enemies! Will Delaney be just another victim of The Culmination’s reign of terror? Or will having Colin by his side finally help Keith bring Remy & Atticus Cogar to justice?

Gory and Dylan Bostic finally settle things once and for all. In October. Bostic attacked Gory and challenged IWC Super Indy Champion Jonathan Gresham for the title. At Winner Takes All, both Bostic and Gory got a shot at the title, but Gresham made Bostic tap out to win the three-way. Gory is livid he lost his title oppotunity because Bostic tapped out. Will he get his revenge against “The Moneyweight”? There’s added stakes as the winner of this match becomes #1 contender to the IWC Super Indy Title!

Bulk Nasty and Chris LeRusso had a rough month, and still have unfinished business with Jimmy Vegas. So they challenged the IWC legend to a tag team match on December 8th in an attempt to pry the torch of IWC lure from his hands! But we just found out that another legendary figure has been recruited to step in with the assist for Vegas. So now it’s official! At The First Annual Pittsburgh Pro Wrestling Classic, Deeicious Jimmy DeMarco returns to team with Jimmy Vegas to battle Lerusso and Bulk!

A new tradition will be born on December 8th as IWC presents the first ever Annual Pittsburgh Pro Wrestling Classic Battle Royal! Not only will the winner walk out with some sweet hardware, but he will also be in prime position for a major run in 2019! Names will be added in the coming days, so who do you want to see enter and win?!